Thank you so much for writing wonderful books for Biblical literature readers. I was tempted to stop writing and look for another job to provide to my family, because, you know, sometimes is not just enough that you feel your job as writer is useless, its also the Spains political and economical crisis; its look threatening poverty into the eyes. I went back into my office, shaken by his outburst. We bring up grace at a Bible study and people dont respond. Thank you so much for your writing and for your soul exposing honesty. Then why call him God?. My books Disappointment with God and Where Is God When It Hurts are the main places I explore the big question you raise. Can you recommend an amplified that youd feel comfortable reading/trusting? Some reacted mercifully with peaceful speech while others were hateful with a condemner speech. Instead, I have a video of the front door of the club crammed with concert goers as they burn alive feet first. Ive learned much from Swedish Lutherans, many Catholic authors, Orthodox priests and a host of others. It is my understanding that both of these practices are violations of Canadian and international human rights. (With the poor and oppressed, and those fighting on their behalf.) So many storms have hit since then, and I have learned how simple and how fragile my first faith really was. I have already bought some extra copies of your book to share with others. I felt very, very small. Neil Armstrong, For those who have seen the Earth from space, and for the hundreds and perhaps thousands more who will, the experience most certainly changes your perspective. Pray that we may find a way forward for all of us together. From time to time my wife and I go to a church that preaches in Joel Osteen mode, but I cant relate to the music. You have expressed the writers life so well, in ways I could not articulate, or even understand about myself until I read your books. I have not been honored back. Thanks for taking the time, Mr. Yancey. Woodlands Indians were making arrow heads on our farm 1000 years before Eden. YWAM CANADA lied and dumped me in the USA ,I was terrified as I had no money and Day Star was closing down for good. Although he was raised in the south with the racial prejudices of his sub-culture, he had a wide variety of friends and experiences that allowed him to evaluate what was right and good. Our paths have crossed over the years but I have never had the privilege of meeting you. The pastor said he gathered around youths paying tribute by lighting candles. You lift my faith today. I give it to everyone I can think of, for any occasion. There seems to be an invisible thread that weaves through life, connecting ideas, and making you feel like youre not alone. Hope you have a great day. I cant promise that. Exactly, no one can. The spiritual insights I learned are amazing. You helped me beyond measure. I wish you the best. I know that acedia well. Indeed I will pray, and may show up again sometime! Undergraduate and Graduate programs available today! They also do not believe the Talmud is the word of God. Now, with a mandate from half of the voting public, Donald Trump takes the office of president backed with a Republican majority in the House and Senate. Through the years I have read and number of your books, and I appreciate your perspective in many areas of life and theology. I want to refer you to a book titled Outrageous Courage by Kris & Jason Vallotton. Wonderful story, Christina. After some time in the USA I returned to the UK and took Lynn Green up on his offer and joined YWAM again after a few months he suggested a new life and start for me in Youth With a Mission Canada. When our children would ask us questions of why this or that we would just say whatever the Pastor and or the school said is right. Hey watch out for those peaceful protestors! It would mean a lot if you would take time to read it. I saw that you are on the schedule to speak this semester during our chapel. Thank you. Blessings. When I said yes, he told me to put it back on and be our chaplain. I spoke with him and he was very anxious. In honor of this Halloween near miss, Ill close with an astronomer and a couple astronauts: There is perhaps no better a demonstration of the folly of human conceits than this distant image of our tiny world. Carl Sagan, regarding the view of Earth from space in Time. Unfortunately, it was a one-sided plea. And feel free to share with any who may benefit from seeing the film. The man in charge is a police sergeant who for no apparent reason began to recount his story of miraculous recovery from terminal cancer. Thank you for the encouragement. People started commenting her photo with most hateful words. Philip. The quote is from a book titled The Power of the Powerless which is a collection of Juergen Moltmanns sermons, published in 1983. Ive just finished reading Whats so amazing about grace?, and what struck me (on top of the main points of the book), was your liberal reference of notable catholics in your analogies. Most people,Christians, that is, would rather have Trump because he is not part of the establishment Republicans. What Ive learned from scripture, much from your exposition of it, it does not match. I sat down in Alberts office and just sobbed my heart out. It was you and your book that reminded me that mourning and dancing could touch each other; and they actually embraced each other in my life. This lead to years of backsliding away from my faith. As it is almost Christmas at the time of my posting this, I hope you and your Family have a wonderful Season. There is so much more I have learned I wouldnt know where to start. The Bible Jesus Read will give you abundant new insights into the heart of God the Father. If so, where could I purchase it? Youll likely enjoy Henri Nouwen, Thomas Merton, Eugene Peterson, Robert Barron as well. I am an evangelical Christian. Two misfits came together. Well thats how much of an impact this book has had on me, and I would recommend this one to anyone as the must read (if you only read one book by Philip Yancy) I really think they could help the boys as much as they have helped me. Mdecins Sans Frontires is a godless organization. ~ supplying me with answers that actually make sense. May the Lord bless and encourage you and keep teaching you amazing things! I wrote Disappointment with God exactly for people going through the kinds of challenges you describe. His books have garnered 13 Gold Medallion Awards from Christian publishers and booksellers. We both grew up in fundamental churches and experienced some of the unfortunate aspects of that that you did. Today is the day. . I wonder if you wrote that? The Letter to the Editor tells how this reader received a copy of their Easter booklet from Radio Bible Class and saw that it was written by contemplative/emerging proponent Philip Yancey. In 1984, soon after becoming licensed, I got a job as chaplain at the Toronto East Detention Centre (TEDC). Every one of these leaders told me to keep quiet about it or I would lose my job. Heres the link to the youtube link:, Benjamin, Stick with Moltmann and the rewards will come through; he does require effort, though. I want to thank you for the frankness and honesty with which you write. In some of your books youve written perceptively about the lingering impact of Christianity on our post-Christian culture through organizations like Amnesty International and Alcoholics Anonymous. Please do let me know! I know about the Old thing. God can and will transform our suffering. Is that all i can do? Mine was specifically Southern fundamentalistangry, legalistic, and racist. Thats the topic of my book Vanishing Grace, which may not yet be published in Brazil. After reading Whats So Amazing About Grace for the first time, I wrote a short devotional about it for my churchs Lenten devotional book written by members of the congregation. I was especially moved by your chapter that touched on homosexuality. As Im now old and retired, Im wishing I could find something more to do, maybe reaching out as Dr. A reflexive Christian, (raised Baptist, drifted in and out of different denominations from college years deep into my 40s), I have tried to turn to God and fight through all this with Him, but I realized I didnt know how. I feel now a pull to come back to attending the local Church, even if only to reconnect with local community and participate in local charity work to which I feel a calling as well. You have a way of expressing yourself that brings such clarity to my Christian experience. It really does seem that to many, a person is evil and hateful if they believe that marriage should be reserved for a man & a woman. Its funny how Dr. I am so glad to see that there are others walking the same path as myself. Michael, Not a miracle. At one point I was literally on my face before the Lord in tears, thanking Him for His amazing love (chapter 13 for one) and there were chapters where my feeble brain struggled to keep up (chapter 27). Philip Yancey May 20, 1996. On earth as it is in heavenI pray for that, and work for it. I have had a desire to write for some time, and have been doing so for over a year, and would like to publish a book. I lead a small group Bible Study and have used your materials several times. In the midst of whats going on in America right now, what encouragement can the Gospel offer to a black person thats wondering how long God is going to sit back and watch injustice unfold? I dont know enough to attempt an answer to your excellent question. Yancey, Philip D. 1949- (Philip David Yancey) Is there somewhere I can purchase Soul Survivor on CD? No doubt you know of Mother Teresas long drought of the presence of God. Its small. Around that time the director initiated a program to purge Threshold Ministries of anyone who had had any homosexual involvement, no matter how long ago or whether it was consensual or not. I am Munir Masih from Pakistan. Your words have been a gift. Moreover, the team reported that the prisoners valued me very much, saying that I was always present and available to them on the ranges. The Bible college movement originated during the time of North America's Third Great Awakening. Sorry, I dont know Polish. The rationale behind this note serves to express my gratitude towards you for shaping my thought world in the way you did. This book has been such a ministry to me and it literally breathes life into me every time I read it. We each attended a Bible college, though the school I attended has closed its doors. please keep writing them. We do not characterize ourselves as fundamentalist (preferring evangelical), but others might do so. Follow my devotional: Disappointed with god How blessed I am to live in this era that it was possible for me to at least express how much I appreciate your works and how much I love you as an author. We only have 2 choices. Philip. What I love most about reactions to my memoir is that readers tend to tell their own stories in response. I did. Its titled The Suffering God and has been out of print for quite some time. The hope that God puts in me its that I can repeat to others, in my culture, the enormous blessing you have been to me today. Thank you so much for your efforts. So I start to read Where is God when it Hurts? My brain is 25 and is constantly at odds with my 65 year old body. I have a copy that is always in my carry-on and I read it and re-read it over and over, always moved to tears as I zoom my way through. Whatever grief we feel, God feels more. Dear Mr. Yancey. 2022-06-30; glendale water and power pay bill Thank you and enjoy your Bible and mountains! I am really identified with your way of seeing life and christianity. I was on my own. He joined the staff of "Campus Life" Magazine in 1971, and worked there as editor and then publisher. I suggest you to translate your material into Urdu language too. Thank you for the boost, a true grace note in my life today. I noticed you didnt write anything on Praying (or speaking) in tongues. And I dont want to hear that he is answering through nature or something like that. I examined the envelope, which was pieces of papers scotched-taped together, and knew that it would not hold together for long. Dont give up. You write the same questions and discoveries as I occasionally think. + Whats So Amazing About Grace? I have been wrestling with these issues for my entire writing career, hence previous book titles like Where Is God When It Hurts, Disappointment with God, and The Gift of Pain. It has been my practice for many years now to have a tree planted in the Holy Land in memory of a friend or family member who has died. People are saved by grace alone through faith in His precious Word, SCHOLARS have no idea who contrived the term Christianity Also, from your travels, you never mentioned Nigeria, dont you think it will be nice to come to Nigeria? Your Forward is so thoughtful and well done. So thank you for sharing your story. I was baptized into that church two weeks later. One woman started talking with me, telling me of her abusive husband. I applied for social assistance but was refused. I am not fancy with words but I have been looking forward to speak to you. As far as your examples from history, I think women is a just little too broad for me to comment on it further. Youve helped me in some of my darkest hours and I thank you for that. Could you please tell me if this quote is from you and what is the source of the quote? Im not qualified to make a judgment. You replied with encouragement that was so unexpected, that it was almost jarring. is that one difference in Job and Richard is that Job did not have Jesus! Whosoever has not sinned, people! Thank you for writing the book that gave rise to my own passion to write. A big concern of Dobson is Supreme Court appointments. Id stick with the hardback, available new for $13.21 US. Show Notes About the Guest Find resources from this podcast at Its a sad state that the church is in today. My story could be parallel to his (except for the fiance bit). The quote is (roughly), You cant worship a homeless guy on Sunday then ignore one on Monday. Then I thought it would be awesome if I ever get one chance to talk to Goethe, the man who died in 1832. Instead of being open to study and discourse, members were tacitly expected to fall in line with the slogans and dismissive one-liners of mainstream evangelicalism. and he would later destroy me. I wish in my heart that I would have had a chance to see you talk when you visited here. If you dont agree with liberals, then we experience unceasing attacks meant for Trump, but received by those who voted him in. I will try to learn from your comments, and thank you for doing the biblical and honorable thing by writing me directly. I saw your comment and just wanted to say a few words of encouragement. But, all that was needed was the required wider exit. I pray that God continues to work thru your heart and hands to inspire all of us Christians in a modern society deeply needing such truth, as you share it. He responded by screaming at me, Leave my things alone! Philip. Snowy and Oliver were both shocked to hear about my dismissal, and Oliver said that it would be totally out of character for me for me to blow up at an inmate. Nonetheless, if youre ever travelling in the vicinity of Vicksburg, Mississippi, my husband and I would love to treat you to a very lively but respectful conversation over dinner. Philip Yancey grew up in a strict, fundamentalist church in the Deep South. Intellectually, you probably know that God loves you and you have worth. and would like to buy it for my Italian-speaking husband. But, lets care for the less fortunate, or how about veterans, teachers and firefighters before we build yet another church. Philip. Being fairly new to the faith, although old in years, I have a hard time reconciling the fact that Jesus kingdom is not of this world, that we are not to be of the world (or in the world, I can never remember which word means which status) and yet politics would seem to epitomize being of the world. A few weeks ago I saw the guide for sale on Amazon in Spanish, but have not been able to find it again. (which has helped us both tremendously). But what is the truth. With hundreds of different denominations within the Christian faith, how do we really know Have you read any of N.T. Unfortunately the real problem is that I live in Mississippi, where, as of July 1st 2016, if one assumes that someone has had sex outside the confines of a heterosexual marriage, it will be completely fine to fire that person, deny him or her housing, and even refuse to provide such a person with a WEDDING CAKE. God chooses not to intervene, but Mdecins Sans Frontires has a plan you can trust (to the point of losing 13 staff members to a recent US air strike). I recommend it to you highly. The following are those books which have touched me in a profound way to the point of shaping how I perceive the world and my faith. Philip. Philip. When Brad Sass had found out that I had planted a tree in memory of his mother, he was deeply moved. But one thing that has not changed is the presence of your books in my life, and their ability to challenge and encourage me in my faith. I wish I could help. I struggled with church especially and with what l saw as cultural practice more than church culture. When?. Your crisis of faith doesnt concern me, because brokenness is often the gateway God uses, and clearly you have the desire and openness that God treasures. The cultural adjustment coupled with the differences in church life was really hard for me.