2701 Northwest 18th Street Apartments - Fort Worth, TX 76106 Clothing in grades 5-12 shall not be excessively low or loose fitting in front, back, under the arms, or around the waist, so as to reveal the chest, the entire shoulders, the mid back area, or lower body areas. In selecting the salutatorian, if the second highest grade point average after the valedictorians average is determined is the same or is a difference of less than .03, then co-salutatorians will be named. Ringworm of the scalp can spread from child to child when children share hats, combs, or brushes. Such suspension shall be in effect until compliance is validated. Handbooks and Guidelines - Northwest Independent School District 2. 2. The student knowingly possesses on his person, automobile or locker or any area within his control or uses illegal drugs whether prescription, non-prescription or as otherwise defined by law or the Mississippi Code of 1972 as annotated or amended or sells or solicits the sale of a controlled substance, prescription drug or non-prescription drug while at school or a school function under thejurisdiction of Rankin County School District. The District official conducting the investigation or the superintendents designee shall notify the victim and parents as appropriate when the investigation is completed and a decision regarding disciplinary action, as warranted, is determined. The principal or designee shall make a prompt due process investigation of the misconduct reportedby the bus driver and, based upon the information developed through this investigation, administersuch disciplinary action as deemed appropriate. : Policy DM Fixed Assets; Policy JK Fund Raising Students. Promptness is a virtue that becomes a habit. Located just south of Tulsa, Jenks Public Schools now encompasses over 40 square miles and serves more than 12,000 students at its ten school sites. Rankin County School District believes students must gain a sense of connection to the larger community in order to become prepared for responsible citizenship. No clothing worn by any student in grades 5-12 shall be so tight-fitting so as to reveal the outline of undergarments or contour of the body, which may create a distraction to the educational atmosphere of the school district, with the exception of school uniforms approved by school administration. If a student is quarantined due to COVID-19, the principal has the discretion to excuse the extended absence without medical documentation, in accordance with CDC/MSDH guidelines. This complaint procedure provides a process for filing, processing and resolving complaints of such conduct. Should it become necessary to close any or all of the schools by reason of weather or other emergency condition, the superintendent will notify principals and the media prior to 6:00 a.m. if possible. The following procedures provide notice and opportunity to be heard in such matters. It is further understood that this policy will be in addition to existing Board policy concerning the prohibition of the use of tobacco products by students on school property and school buses. Clothing, including face masks/coverings, with suggestive, obscene, disruptive, or vulgar designs, pictures, symbols, slogans or statements that cause a disruption to or detract from the educational process are not permitted. The superintendent is hereby authorized to declare an emergency and to close schools and district offices or dismiss them early in event of natural disaster, inclement weather or other emergencies which threaten the safety, health, or welfare, of students or staff members. REFERRAL DETERMINATION: STUDENTS WITH DISABILITIES The District-Wide IEP Committee must be convened prior to a change in placement for a student with a disability to an appropriate interim alternative educational setting for not more than 45 days. Home - Northwest Local School District Arranging meetings at flexible times to maximize the opportunities for parents to participate. Obtain assignments before scheduled absences and. In order to stay at school, students with ringworm(s) must keep the infected area covered with a band-aid or dressing while at school. Weapons, Drugs, or Serious Bodily Harm: School personnel may order the removal of a student that results in a change in placement to an appropriate interim alternative educational setting for not more than 45 days if: The student carries a weapon to school or to a school function or acquires a weapon at school or at a school function under the jurisdiction of Rankin County School District; or. Final grades may be weighted for Grades 9-12 if a student is enrolled in the following courses: Advanced Placement courses = 1.10 x grade, Dual Enrollment/Dual Credit Courses = 1.10 x college grade (College grade must be a C or higher to qualify for the weight. PDF Northwest Middle School - Greenville County School District 200 Spell Drive Grade Placement (JBAB Exhibit) Principal:Dr. Josh Jones A standard numerical grading system shall be implemented and maintained in the district. In order for The Learning Center to be considered an appropriate placement for a student, there must be evidence of interventions for Tier 1, 2 and 3 for behavior (and academic if applicable) with data to support decision-making in the RTI folder. The principal shall have the discretion and final authority in declaring whether or not clothing or grooming is in violation of this dress code. (d) Searches based upon reasonable suspicion may include, if school authorities think advisable under the circumstances , a frisk or pat-down of student clothing. If a student is sent home during normal school hours, a parent/ guardian/custodian shall be notified before the student is dismissed. Holes in Jeans While this has long been a fashion trend, many dress codes have stipulations against holes in jeans. Kindergarten5th We encourage you to let us know how to better serve your children. Whenever a student has attained the age of eighteen, or is attending an institution of post secondary education, the required consent and rights accorded to the parent shall thereafter only be required of and accorded to the student. Students will contact their teachers as a first level of support. Northwest Middle School > Uniforms The Indianapolis Public Schools' dress code is about how students look, how students behave, and achieve. A written code, enforced fairly, ensures that we are treated equally . Tardies will be considered when determining perfect attendance and exemption status. The Rankin County School District will provide the following necessary coordination, technical assistance, and other support to assist Title I, Part A schools in planning and implementing effective parental engagement activities to improve student academic achievement and school performance: Providing timely support, information, and services to staff in participating Title I programs. Any exception to the schedule must have the prior approval of the principal. The number of counseling sessions will be determined by the counselor. 5. At which time, if the testing laboratory determines that the student does not test positive for drugs, the student may be removed from the 28-calendar-day program. Brandon, MS 39047 A report from any source indicating reasonable suspicion that a student could be in violation of this policy shall be immediately given to a member of the administrative staff. For families of students who attend AlphaBEST, this after-school service will continue, though we strongly encourage you to pick up students as soon as possible. You may also contact the Office for Civil Rights, Denver, CO, (303) 844-5695. If either of these is not passed, the student is retained unless a good cause exemption is approved for the state reading assessment. Commitment, or attempted commitment, of a violent act (any action which results or could result in death or physical harm to another). Food Pantry Grand Opening with Rudy Gobert(picture gallery), No district employee or student shall be subjected to discrimination in employment or any district program or activity on the basis of age, color, disability, gender, gender identity, genetic information, national origin, pregnancy, race, religion, sex, sexual orientation, or veteran status. The district has been in existence since 1955 when several smaller schools combined to form Northwest Area. To alert students with possible substance abuse problems to the potential harms that drug use poses for their physical, mental and emotional well-being. Utilizing survey results in the strategic planning process for each school and the district. When attending field trips, violations of school policies/regulations will result in disciplinary action consistent with Board policy. Although such regulations face First Amendment challenges by students, parents, and employees, the courts generally support the schools and employers. Si los estudiantes estn por sus armarios durante el da escolar, la siguiente lista de consecuencias pueden suceder: Nivel 1: El estudiante recibir un aviso verbal. If any police or court official requests the dismissal of a student during school hours, parents should be notified as soon thereafter as possible. <>/Metadata 108 0 R/ViewerPreferences 109 0 R>> Our district believes students should be prepared for wherever their personal paths take them, including college, a career, the military and life in general. Expulsion is the denial of school attendance for any period in excess of ten (10) school days sequenced consecutively. Teachers should use progress monitoring information to: 1. determine if students are making adequate progress, 2. identify students as soon as they begin to fall behind, and. A firearm means any weapon which will, or is designed to, or may be readily converted to, expel a projectile by action of an explosive. El estudiante necesitar poner su celular en su armario antes de irse a clase. If this school board determines that it is not economically feasible or practicable to operate any school within the district for the full one hundred eighty (180) days required for a scholastic year as contemplated due to an enemy attack, a manmade, technological or natural disaster, or extreme weather emergency in which the Governor has declared a disaster or state of emergency or the President of the United States has declared an emergency or major disaster to exist in this state, the school board may notify the State Department of Education of the disaster or weather emergency and submit a plan for altering the school term. This plan must also include: the name and purpose of the medication, severity of asthma condition (mild, moderate, severe), the prescribed dosage, the time(s) the medication can be administered, any special circumstances regarding administration of the medication, steps to take in the event of an emergency or life threatening event, and the length of time for which the medication is prescribed. If, however, the Voluntary Student reconsiders his/her refusal and submits to a drug test within 24 hours of the initial refusal, the Voluntary Student will not be considered in violation of his/her consent agreement. The procedure for administering corporal punishment is as follows: 1. If a students presence poses a threat of danger to persons or property or an ongoing threat of disruption to the academic process, the student may be immediately removed from school. Thereupon, the meeting of the DDC shall conclude. This refers to the time when the first students go to breakfast or lunch. At any stage of the proceeding the alleged victim or aggrieved party may be represented by an attorney of his/her own choosing and expense. Recognizing that all children do not develop in a linear fashion according to a certain time-table, there is intentional overlapping among grade levels (elementary, middle/junior high, and high school). We are excited to have you and your student as part of our Kidder Nation. Both the student and the students parent or custodial guardian must read, sign, and date the Student Drug Testing Consent Form. Phone:601.825.4706 The grade shall become a part of the grade point average and affect class ranking. No lo puede dejar en la oficina. Parents that have completed the Parental Use and Responsibility Acknowledgement Form as well as provided valid personal identification to appropriate school officials may be given access to the Parent Portal of Power School. All students and parents/guardians requesting use of school-owned lockers do hereby give this consent to school district administration to randomly examine the contents of any locker applied for or assigned to any student for purposes of the safety and health of all students at any time. Please refer to the following guidelines when trying to determine if your child should stay home or go to school when sick. If the testing laboratory has reason or suspicion to believe that the sample taken from such Voluntary Student has been adulterated or has been tampered with so as to affect test results, the testing laboratory shall deem it a refusal to submit to a drug test. The purpose of this policy is to ensure that the behavioral and academic needs of every student are met through an instructional model that is designed to address student learning with quality classroom instruction and opportunities for intervention. Any and all other relevant matters and facts associated with the particular infraction, to be considered on a case-by-case basis. "Asthma and anaphylaxis medication" means inhaled bronchodilator and auto-injectable epinephrine. Pupils eligible to have any such fee waived as a result of an inability to pay for said fees, shall not be discriminated against nor shall there be any overt identification of any pupil who has received a financial hardship waiver by use of special tokens or tickets, announcements, posting or publication of names, physical separation, choice of materials or by any other means. Supplemental instructional materials and supplies, excluding textbooks; 2. The District reserves the right to supplement and modify the extra-curricular activities to which the policy applies. If an official absence has been granted, the student must: 1. Click here to view immigration frequently asked questions, Resolution for the Protection of Children. It is understood that mastery of basic skills facilitates the mastery of higher-order skills in each area of development. At the discretion of the board, such hearings may be conducted before a hearing referee designated by the board. The overall best interest and welfare of the student involved and of the school population overall; 9. The Student Drug Testing Consent Form will be active for the students entire tenure at the school in which the consent form was signed. Such data includes, but is not limited to E-mail, text documents, digital photographs, music, and other digital or electronic files. Students with eligibility rulings for special educational services shall be promoted or retained based upon mastery of skills specified in their Individual Educational Plan and a decision reached by the IEP committee and principal to assure least restrictive environment. 2. School personnel will cooperate with the parents and attendance officers in this endeavor. Further, the principal or his designee should make reasonable effort to contact the parent/guardian/custodian via telephone or personal contact to communicate the specific acts for which suspension was ordered and the length of the suspension. A written transcript shall be provided to the Boardwhich shall make a final decision by majority vote thereon within a reasonable time from the date of being provided a copy of the transcript. First and foremost, your dress code policy will have to have clear and respectful exceptions for religious and cultural attire. Students who are severe discipline problems CAN be referred to the Alternative School at the discretion of the home school principal, provided space is available. All students who withdraw from the Extra-Curricular Drug Testing Program in the middle of a school year will be prohibited from participating in any extra-curricular activities for one calendar year. The District does not block use of Internet mail accounts, but any OFFICIAL communications, e.g., Teacher to Parent, Teacher to Student, Staff to Staff, must be via the districts e-mail system. Any monies donated shall be deposited into the appropriate fund. The Student Evaluation Team (SET) must be set up at each school to guide and monitor the placement, services, and assessment of ELs. Additional transcripts are furnished upon request for a fee of $2.00 per copy. Face masks/coverings must follow the requirements of JCDB Dress Code for Students. Test results will be kept in files separate from the students other educational records, shall be disclosed only to those school personnel who have a need to know, and will not be turned over to any law enforcement authorities. Close communication between home and school is an important factor in establishing a highly effective school program. A chart listing replacement cost is included in this policy. Students on A/B and 4 x 4 block schedule (grades 7-12) can miss no more than 10 days total (excused or unexcused) in a course that is scheduled all year and can miss no more than 5 days in a course that is scheduled for one semester. 3. When absences do occur, school personnel will classify the absence as excused or unexcused. Follow on Social Media. Reaching Beyond Excellence to Extraordinary with Heart, Courage and Commitment! 3. & Scott Key, Ph.D. Thanksgiving is coming, which means Christmas sales loom on the horizon. The mental and physical age of the student; 2. 2. If a compulsory-school-age child has not been enrolled in school within fifteen (15) calendar days after the first day of the school year or if a student has accumulated five (5) unexcused absences during the school year, the principal shall report such absences to the school attendance officer within two school days or within five calendar days, whichever is less, according to the method prescribed by the State Department of Education and on the form designated for that purpose by the district.