Description: making a simple couple of handsigns the user makes sparks travel along their skin to power up lightning type jutsu's for 5 minutes (posts) (7 for jounin)(10 for Kage/sannin) this move also makes it very difficult to make contact with the user for the danger of being severly electricuted. A smaller version of the Tailed Beast Ball that has been infused with lightning chakra which Killer B or the Eight-Tails can use to bring down a target's defences and inflict major damage. There is no major difference between this jutsu and the regular chidori except for the fact that this jutsu requires the use of susanoo. It is also able to attack using taijutsu, however it's ability to attack is around 1/10 in perspective to the user, in return for this weakness it's attacks deliver shocks of electricity to the opponent's body.Seiteki Suji no Jutsu (Static Strings Technique)Description: This skill allows the user to create strings of electricity that can either act physically as strings, or as a medium that can send small shocks to an opponent. Raiton: Rairyu Rendan no Jutsu (Lightning Release: Lightning Dragon Attack). The sudden influx of electricity affects the signals coming from the brain. The user may be able to use another jutsu, but it should be only a C or lower. Targets hit head-on with this jutsu will experience a fantastic amount of pain and be stunned after the jutsu ends. The blade is held between the fingers, but as soon as it is let go, the blade vanishes into thin air. Description: A technique used generally to remove a huge group of nins or to breach a heavily guarded section of wall. It is also able to attack using taijutsu, however it's ability to attack is around 1/10 in perspective to the user, in return for this weakness it's attacks deliver shocks of electricity to the opponent's body. Type: Ninjutsu. Description: A simple technique in concept and execution, in which the user performs the necessary handseals and then emits a short bolt of lightning from his or her hand. Vote it up! It is not recommended using this technique in a field with little objects to bounce off of. Description: An off-shoot of the Electric Overdose Technique, after the user channels a large amount of electricity in to his hand, making the chakra visible, the user can attack a specific body area of his opponent and fire electricity into it once. After this, the skies suddenly open up, and a huge beam of white lightning strikes where the user was aiming, decimating the target and causing powerful shockwaves to affect the area 500 feet from the point of impact, most likely decimating anything with a foundation. It was used by Kakashi Hatake while fighting against Kaguya Otsutsuki. For every rank, the wall grows 5 feet by 5 feet. This particular Jutsu was used by Sasuke in his fight against Naruto Uzumaki. For the Chidori (and the Lightning Cutter), Kakashi Hatake simply gathers the lightning chakra to his hand, causing severe piercing damage to anything or anyone his hand touches. The process is generally quite painful and requires about 5 months of mental and physical conditioning to resist the charges you activate onto your body. Descriptions: As the user flashes a number hand seals the shinobi begins to develop 4 kunai between his fingers that he can throw at his opponent. Raikiri, also known as Lightning Blade, is one of Kakashi's favorite Jutsus. When performing this skill, the user transforms into an extremely quick 'strand' of lightning. for anbu)(100ft. However to this day the school teacher claims he knows no such move.Shina's TouchDescription: A move believed to be forever lost in legend, but technically possible had one the ability to manipulate enough electrical chakra to do so. This jutsu is something that Sasuke works on quite a bit as a kid to impress his father. When performing this skill, the user transforms into an extremely quick 'strand' of lightning. However, no skills can be used in this state.Raiton: Raikou Jishaku no Jutsu (Lightning Release: Lightning Magnet)Description: This jutsu creates electrical clouds around the area that attract metal, any metal projectiles thrown will be altered because of the clouds. Users This jutsu, uses a lot of chakra, and drains most of his strength, so this jutsu is a one way ticket to victory or death. Range of Jutsu: Can be up to a whole village, however the entire village wouldn't be as effective, as a single area. When he is not writing, he is reading manga, and playing games. Forming the necessary hand seals the shinobi begins to collect mist in his immediate area much like Kirigakure no Jutsu, however it begins to rise and form into a thunderstorm cloud instead of laying dormant like mist does. The jutsu gained the name after Kakashi used his Chidori to shatter a bolt of lightning. The Henge automatically dissipates when the user makes contact with a living target. After fully charging all chakra and then doing nothing but hand seals the Cloud-Nin is able to open the skies from above and as such a sphere of clouds about 14 feet in height and 14 feet in circumference slowly descends from the sky. A list of original lightning-based Jutsu. The blast of wind goes out three feet and knocks a victim back at least five feet and can stop projectiles. The kunai that are developed are made of pure, concentrated lightning, heated to the point that with the amount of power that they are thrown it it could go through most forms of metal and still do some damage. On impact, the target will suffer minor electric shocks. This is a simple bolt, akin to a fireball, as opposed to being a continuous stream. This Jutsu hits the opponents at a lightning speed and only a few are capable of dodging it. However current training standards in the academy show how a cloud-nin tends to make electricity through the use of chakra, turning most Cloud-nin in to human capacitors, technically. The resulting power is enough to obliterate an entire mountain. Parent jutsu Chidori is a very popular attack that has been used many times throughout the series. Offensive Official Description: A simple technique in concept and execution, in which the user performs the necessary hand seals and then emits a short bolt of lightning from his or her hand. Yobigoe no Raikou no Jutsu (Call of Lightning Technique). Description: The jutsu is just like it's name. However once this fog has been summoned the Cloud-Nin, now on his next post, is able to fire at one target or a number of targets indirectly by sending an electrical current through the droplets of condensed water that composes this fog esentially creating a series of small, but powerful, electrical shocks and as such vaporizing the fog. A technique he created himself, Raikiri is a very powerful offensive technique that pierces almost anything . Teikou no Kuntou (Electricity Resistance Training). Description: After flashing a series of hand seals the shinobi uses chakra to condense the air immediately in front of him into a thick, chakra-embedded barrier made of cloud. The move can only be used once because the attack evaporates all the thunder clouds in the area. However by performing this technique by such methods will cause the essential water vapors to disappear. Obviously the catch is however that one has to be hit by the palm strike to fall victim to this immature tactic. Dendou Bakuhatsu no Jutsu (Electric Detonation Technique). Suzail has been a manga and anime enthusiast for the past 6 years. The attack also does not require time to be formed like the regular Tailed Beast Ball. This specific technique was used by Darui. This jutsu requires 4 highly-skilled ninja to use it to stand in a cardinal formation.The area in which to be affected by this jutsu depends on how far the formation is spread out. While these 20 seconds, the user cannot move, if he does, the jutsu will be dispelled, and he shall be paralyzed for another 10 seconds (1 post). In this attack, the user gathers a huge amount of lightning nature chakra in their hand, and once the user has amassed enough chakra, they charge toward their opponent and thrust the attack into their body. After gathering enough chakra, Momoshiki simply releases it in the form of a lightning bolt. When this is performed its sortve like puppeteer strings with no puppet, it can be used for offense and defense, and delivers the same shock as a higher powered tazor. But beyond its ability to detect outsiders, this skill can be used as a normal string when it is needed but none is around, or it can be used to create small shocks to other people. Anyone who is attempting to break the shield with a taijutsu attack will be given a shock capable of leaving a third degree-burn and pushed back, any type of thrown weapon is immediately blocked as well. Class Wind Release is known for being stronger than Lightning Release in general, so that shows you just how powerful this particular move is. Air Lightning Bullet Air Lightning Strike Air Raid Shot Air Sand Protective Wall Akuta Alder All Directions Shuriken All is Suffering All Weapons Above Heaven All-Killing Ash Bones Allied Shinobi Forces Technique Almighty Sakura Altering Terrain Technique Amanohabaya Amaterasu Amaterasu: Dual Layer Amaterasu: Flame Wrapping Fire Kanri Soushitsu no Jutsu (Control Loss Technique). for Kage/sannin)Inbikiri Seeji no Jutsu (Lightning Sage Technique)Description: The user must be completely still for a minute (1 post) as user concentrates on sending electricity through their own muscles thus stimulating themselves to become stronger, faster and more flexible.Name of Jutsu: Ten Thousand Lightning BugsRank of Jutsu: ARange of Jutsu: Can be up to a whole village, however the entire village wouldn't be as effective, as a single area.Jutsu's Element: RaitonDescription: The jutsu is just like it's name. Forming electricity into both hands the Cloud Nin launches a continuous stream of Lightning at one opponent, if the technique hits one person it immediately launches itself at the next non-friendly person in range. If by chance the user is not carrying a weapon he can transfer this current into his opponent's weapon shocking him, or can even hit him with this current.Raiton: Raikou Boruto no Jutsu (Lightning Release: Lightning Bolt Technique)Description: A simple technique in concept and execution, in which the user performs the necessary handseals and then emits a short bolt of lightning from his or her hand. Like all the other natures, Lightning Release has its strengths and weaknesses. The user can throw the spear, which moves very fast and causes a large burst of lightning when it hits its target, as well as an explosion. Description: A rather sophomoric skill in itself forming electricity into the primary hand of the Cloud-Nin the shinobi delivers a full on palm strike to the body, the voltage of this particular technique is considered high enough that the target generally loses control of the bowels and bladder causing a rather distracting mess in their undergarments. While this technique might not be as powerful as the Lightning Cutter, it is much safer to use; the user does not have to worry about its drawbacks. The lightning dog will still be connected to the users hand through a bolt of lightning. This is a simple bolt, akin to a fireball, as opposed to being a continuous stream. Because of the fast speeds associated with this skill, the user will feel dizzy, confused, and often nauseous for some time afterwards.Note: This technique can be used in conjunction with other jutsu, such as the Call of Lightning Technique, or the Lightning Clone Technique, to confuse the opponent. One can easily touch and hold this clone like it was in fact an actual person, however when it is attacked it quickly disperses into smoky, hot air. First, he begins to grow electricity-based needles all over the front area of his body. However, this must be the useres main element inorder to do it. The fog in itself is not very thick, one could essentially see through it and very much fight as if they were not in fog at all. By combining the Mangekyo move Kamui with Raikiri, Kakashi can instantly pierce a target, then warp whatever body part he hits into Kamui's dimension. Upkeep: 10. Shien has referred to it as a way of Smiting, similar to what Gods themselves do to the unworthy, sometimes seireitou also refers to this as well. Making several handsigns, the user must then form 2 fingers in each hand, pouring chakra into the fingers. The user forms the necessary handseals and, by focusing his chakra, creates a pair of rings of electricity around himself, that spin about like a gyroscope, maintaining a constant electric field throughout its radius, which is half a meter from the user. Being a Lightning Release, it requires a lot of chakra from the user to maintain for a period of time and thus a risk to use with a low chakra supply. Major problems with this technique is that by severing the strings you break the connection between the target and the Cloud-nin, also the maximum range the controlled body can move from the original body is 50 feet, otherwise the strings will break. It is used by several shinobi from Kumogakure, [1] most notably Darui. Forming the necessary hand seals the shinobi begins to collect mist in his immediate area much like Kirigakure no Jutsu, however it begins to rise and form into a thunderstorm cloud instead of laying dormant like mist does. At first the target doesn't even notice that such a technique has even happened and continues moving like it's nothing, however after a little while the target begins to falter about and then collapses as he feels his entire body coarsing with pain and exhaustion unable to get back up. Once the needles have grown the user then flashes one hand seal and all the electric needles launch themselves in a front spreading maneuver towards anyone in their way. 6 Lightning Release Chakra Mode Is One Of A's Greatest Assets After Minato sacrifices himself and dies, A boasts that he now possesses the greatest speed in the world. It then slowly descends to touch the ground, and once it does everything in a 90 foot radius of where the ball dropped is attacked by huge bolts of lightning causing large amounts of property damage and what not.