Do your part with the people in your life, give to your church, beyond that have a global heart for widows, orphans, the poor and those in need, I am going to ask you to support some widows and orphans in Africa, We have an orphanage, we have a villagemembers of Mars Hill have actually moved there to take care of widows and orphans.. Its much harder to leave that way. Unless he completely revamps his life and his teachings, hes going to leave damaged lives in his wake. Just watch any random hour of TBN or Daystar. Clear All United States - All Cities It was because of a backfire in strategy by then executive pastors Jamie Munson and Scott Thomas, who handled my discipline case. They did not want us to leave. Until that flaw is named and claimed, it is reasonable to expect this kind of thing to happen again. I wouldnt want to walk in his shoes and succumb to the large amount of pride he exhibits, what an empty way to live. He can be forgiven. But Peter rebuked him for his motives and told him to repent of his wickedness and told him he was gall of bitterness and in the bondage of iniquity.. Some of the current worship songs that I hear dont do too much for me. Not much time has passed since he stepped down. Whats worse, total lack of good character. Of course but that is so remote given the environment I am not holding my breath. The Bible tells us lotz of neet stuff before it happen/happens. I would argue the reverse. Anyone who knowingly overlooks all this has no judgement. Why dont Driscoll and the boyz just get it over with and rename their religion Paulianity? Its a measure of arrogance. With this much covidiocy in the country, we are proving ourselves to be the dumbest nation on earth. Seems like the truth being covered, twisted, remade, ignored is what keeps these people in power and LTs post brings the truth as it actually is back to the forefront. Well-meaning people are attempting to put Jesus in structures that do not foster the expression of his life in the saints. I would hope we should higher standards than that. It was so heretical that even the MH staff saw issues and took it down. If, as a teacher, you realise that you hate students, you must give up your job and find something else. What Im curious though is how the church (corporate) can self regulate against that in the face of the money and power, both spiritual and temporal, that types like MD help create. Ok, so i am seeing that a lot of people do not like this church. This is off topic but your question has been the basis of discussion with many associates for the last 6 months, many recently leaving an authoritarian church. Mark is playing the victim. notable pastors have been pouring into his life. John Lindell, pastor of James River Church, represents a new breed of reformed Assembly of God pastors yes Calvinism in the Assembly of God! If others havent heard this song yet, give it a try and see what you think. This was a new song to me. I will never forget the first time I was looking at an org chart of a mega while prepping to facilitate a planning session. I prefer dealing with an honest atheist (and I know a lot of those) to dealing some self-professing christians. I noted in my comments on the petition that Driscoll still hasnt repented before all and specifically to the people whose lives he damaged, such as former Mars Hill elder/attorney Paul Petry, a godly, decent man. How can a reasonable person look past that? The name Che is a nickname, short for pig (chancho), for a reason. I simply offer another perspective. here is a bit of what i could type out as he was speaking, would love to see a transcript of it instead of having to listen to it though. I call that tragic because there are still a lot of honest pastors and churches out there. . They secretly instigated men who said here come the false charges. Sovereign Grace Ministries Yep. And every Wednesay at 7pm! then mark goes on to teach us that we must forgive even if the person never admits wrong or says I am sorry: vengance is where you make someone pay. In December 2007, Merle and I quietly left Mars Hill Church. I hope more will speak up in the future. And as long as they do, it will continue. like i said it went away from that and i didnt look into why. (Note I did not diagnose) I do believe seen in that light, it makes it simpler to see how he gets by with it and why some who also make their living in similar ways are promoting him. The mighty Kari Jobe is featured in some of the faking it videos they play in the classes. I admit that I am rather skeptical of James River's reliability now, most of this information was new to me. What in the world could someone with his outlandish views contribute to conferences at Hillsong or James River? )(mark is apparently not impressed with peter baptizing 3,000 followers in one day cause peter isnt able to be made into a complementarian I guess), interestingly mark points out how stephen handled it but not how mark handled slight persecution which was actually not persecution but truth leveled against him) The prophets in that verse are likewise OT prophets and also refers only to physical harm. Great insight. I dont equate it with forgiveness at all. Can anyone explain this James River Church thing to me? . I hope you dont write off church altogether. 33 And when they were come unto a place called Golgotha, that is to say, a place of a skull, Seriously? And he was not originally trusted or met with open arms by the Jesus believers of the day. Did MD admit to being WWII under duress or was that more mischief from Dark Miscoll? GW used to require people to take a class and understand the commitment but they couldnt keep their salvation numbers up without the spontaneous element that include giving away free clothes and smart little swag bags for those willing to dunk for the cameras. He threatened to make sure that I could never be in ministry again. How much do James River Church employees make? All 6,115 words of it. There is an old belief in bapto-evangelico circles that one of the criticisms that could for sure be said against certain other christian religious traditions is that they have priests and we do not, because they let the priests tell them what to do and influence them too much but in our way of doing things that does not happen. He. I did disagree, however, with this one sentence. Then you can better understand the depths of this deception. In case this was not a rhetorical question, the correct answer is entertainment. But I am surprised he delivered his message from on high the pulpit. That was not my intention. Associating with Driscoll might make them feel younger and edgy. Just volunteers. rocks are flying people are shouting opposition and accusations., in christian language christians are like sheep, opponents are like wolves, alpha, saul. James River Church Online - James River TV My old church Gateway has atmosphere teams in services to emotionally manipulate members and visitors. An IRS spokesman in St. Louis would not comment when asked if a pastor could speak from the pulpit to encourage congregants to vote a particular way on an issue. Maybe that offends me and not you because I believe he lied all along about Jesus Christ and I am hoping to convince people of that? i am going to get a can of alpha-wolf-away and spray out my apartment now. He made a lucrative living and lived what I would call a lavish lifestyle (higher standard of living than every single person in my church, for example), and he did it all with Jesus. I asked people who were about as famous (if that is what you call it) as him what they thought. Like the guy who was in charge of SGM, he got away scot-free and is doing well for himself despite the outcry against him. Pastors who give Mark Driscoll a platform are adding to the abuse of those of us who were abusively treated by Mars Hill Church. (See screen shot from the church website. Of course he gave all kinds of excuses, Im young, brash, etc. But as he aged, and he spoke more and more, nothing changed, it got more vulgar, more illicit language, more rude, more obnoxious. "But we can speak and encourage people to vote in terms of the morality of the issue.". For all the lack of American Idol production values I learned more in that one day of teaching at that little church then I did in all the years I attended Gateway. what they are. Something has gone seriously wrong in Mega-Land and it aint just thinking about having MD speak at one of their conferences. I started to ask myself, If Christ is present in someones life, and therefore the Spirit, will not God, in his infinite power, begin to produce those things in that person? And I began to wonder if Mark Driscoll even possessed the Spirit of God. . I have heard Driscoll in person.. So why would they view power and authority as central to the Gospel? Lindell has expressed his views on the topic before. "And how many knownot everything you read on the internet is true". pure grace are you or have been in similar situation to stephen? Any of all of that may be true. one passenger died. But what does that mean in the larger picture? @ numo: In a March 15 sermon, Lindell urged congregants to repeal Springfield's sexual orientation and gender identity law on April 7. Anyone who invites Driscoll without knowing his background also displays no judgement. Did he have liveried Armorbearers blowing long trumpets before him to announce how HUMBLE(TM) he was (chuckle chuckle)? I am not the most wonderful guy in the world, i am not a saint, but when i asked Jesus to forgive me and fill me with His Spirit i changed inside. I really do believe that Driscoll has sociopathic tendencies. James River Church, a multi-campus, 17,000-member megachurch in Missouri, is now fending off strong criticism from the public and health officials after pictures posted on social media showed what appear to be hundreds of unmasked people, practicing very little social distancing packed inside their Springfield location to participate in Christmas services. I want to have the heart for the women in the future who will allow me to be their pastor that I have for my daughters, he said, and that is if they have spiritual gifts, and are called by God, and are godly, I want to help them achieve that intentionally and encourage that and be a support for that.. sometimes i have hurt people because i have gotten caught up in the excitement of a new orginazation or enterprise but i have never been able to stay that way long, my conscience pricks me until i stop and go back and make things right with people i have hurt. It really bothers me that he seems to profane things still. Van, I agree with Deb. You have a holy responsibility to lead your flock in truth and light yet you are deliberately misleading them. Others appear to draw some type of inspiration from Driscoll. They will promise to give you an authentic community to do life with. The only two ways that I can think of for having said benchmarks, assuming by leadership you mean pastor(s) and not just chairman of some committee, is either having a system with central authority with established criteria which must be met prior to ordination and some written policies which are grounds for dismissal in certain conditions, That would be a denominational hierarchical system with designated people with authority and with something in writing, like an official book of how we do it. Or else to have a savvy and informed and mature congregation who would agree with and co-operate with each other on what was necessary and what needed done and which would have the actual power (backing of the people) to get it done. He saw it as bad government.". In Damascus there was a disciple named Ananias. I think it is perfectly ok to say some people are toxic and avoid them for safety and mental health reasons. sponge is used as toilet paper. It refers to protecting the King of Israel from physical harm, not preventing people from telling the truth. Of course, the major players seem to emulate and incorporate some of the more questionable practices of each other so in a way we are ending up with a somewhat homogenous giga experience like GW having one of those Guest Central kiosks you mentioned. Because he simply cannot be trusted not to repeat himslefthus destroying more lives. Mark Driscoll was totally missing those things. Of course he gave all kinds of excuses, Im young, brash, etc. But as he aged, and he spoke more and more, nothing changed, it got more vulgar, more illicit language, more rude, more obnoxious. mode. they warm up to stone people like baseball players and lay their coats at the feet of saul to show he is the alpha. (I would have thought he was the lazy one who didnt want to get his hands dirty by actually doing anything but talking a lot), takes it from daniel where god becomes man, if you saw Jesus you would not likely see him as you expect. if your a sports fan theres a point of where something amazing is about to happenfootball baseball in the middle of a game changing moment they jump out of their seat.