Theres even an example of pre-Islamic poetry where the spread out language is used to refer to a flat Earth. In favour of this Ala Hazrat (Radiallahu Taala Anh) wrote the following treatises: In his first treatise, Ala Hazrat (Radiallahu Taala Anh) has discussed the earth theory in light of the Quran and Hadith that the earth and sky are static, by quoting several verses from the Holy Quran. God then gave the earth form, and that form was flat. Sheikh Bandar al-Khaibari stunned students at a university in the. The (Actual) Shape of the Earth in the Quran Does the Bible say that Earth is Stationary? - The Flat Earth Society This is all according to a hadith I heard. Why this logically follows is beyond me. The point is so absurd it needs no refutation. Why Atheisms God of The Gaps Argument is a Bad One. (b) that the primary texts themselves allow for a sufficient scope of interpretation that would allow for such a position. Verse from the Quran shows that the Earth is not a spinning ball but is rather a stationary Earth with a (circular) disc like shape where the Moon and the Sun both orbit above the Earth. The birds referred to are not literal birds but highly spiritual people, though a few other interpretations are possible, none of which include talking birds. The mid-ocean ridges are formed at the edges of two tectonic plates. It is therefore highly significant that the Quran directly links the process of the Earth spreading out to the formation of underwater mountains, in the following verses: And the earth have We spread out [madadna], and set therein firm mountains [Rawaasiya] and caused everything to grow therein in proper proportion. [15:20], And the earth We have spread it out [madadna-ha], and placed therein firm mountains [Rawaasiya]; and We have made to grow therein every kind of beautiful pair. [50:8]. They serve us in such a manner that they would never become tired or ever be off duty. It does not refer to its revolution around the earth i.e. Clearly, the earth was stationary. until the Day of Judgment. Everything is mentioned in it. If that were true, the setting Sun would appear to get smaller (which it doesn't) and it would also stay above the horizon (which it doesn't). Some number the layers as four, others as seven, above the layer in which we exist (the Troposphere), which is precisely what the Quran states: And We have created above you seven layered heavens (lying one above the other), and We are never neglectful of the creation. [23:18]. The lowest heaven is the entire universe, and each heaven is exponentially larger than the preceding heaven and then we finally get to Allahs arsh and Allahs throne which are larger than the 7th heaven. eg Mankind establish the salat, and maintain building/mosque etc. This is an irrelevance and carries no weight. Eric Dubay 200 proofs the earth is not a spinning ball) Reconciling between the view that the Earth is round and the verse "And This is the meaning of God visiting the land; the same phrase of God destroying something by literally visiting it is referred to in 2:211. And yes, the Quran holds that the sun set in a spring of muddy water. So if it just means many it could simply refer to the billions of star systems in the universe. Do We Need Double-Blinded Trials for Faith? I was once like you brothers, but now I praise my Lord because he has awoken me to the falsehood of the Jesuit priests, secret worshippers of the sun, the son. one piece voice actors who died. But I am a Muslim okay and I believe in what Quran contains every word of it and if Quran says earth is flat that means it it, even if NASA says whatever or shows me whatever pictures, let me tell you I will reject all their evidence just because I believe the Quran is from Allah and I dont need any validation for that. So when the Quran describes the Earth as , not only is it describing the physical shape of the Earth, but also it is providing a depiction of the cross-section of the Earth, as well as describing that it is being spread in the form of continental drift. That is not the case, however. And He is the One who created the night and the day and the sun and the moon; The FEM is a geocentric model whereby the Earth is stationary while the Sun and the Moon rotate above the flat Earth. Quran Miracle As It Says Sun Is Not Stationary But Quran almost around 1400 years ago told us that the Sun is also not stationary and also tells about the movement of planets, Earth and all celestial bodies in space and also around their own axis. As in other subjects . This is a powerful method of making man reflect in so far as it appeals to his or her actual experience of these celestial bodies. Such is the work of Allah Who made everything firm and strong. Zameen gol hai If you want to be scientific then It is difficult to classify them, and the scheme adopted here is a personal one. When the parents flatten out the terrain before laying. That is the decree of the Mighty, the All-Knowing. Of course they will quickly jump and say there are verses that say the Deen of God is Islam, this shows how ignorant and blind they are, they brand the name Islam and do not even attempt to translate it to submission, deceiving the masses into a cult called Islam, the path of God is submission to him not Islam. earth is stationary quran verse - so you mean the sun and moon are in another universe. No rational reason is given as to what would anyone gain by hiding that the Earth is flat, if indeed it were. The term seafloor spreading, dont forget, was not coined by Muslims. Rather, the point of both of these sources is to instruct humans regarding the manner in which they should live in order to recognize God and attain to felicity. Significantly, the Quran alludes to this, since it specifically mentions that therein i.e. Note the following verse: "He merges Night into Day, and he merges Day into Night, and he has subjected the sun and the moon (to his Law): each one runs its course for a term appointed. To find someone with the same intellect. Does the Quran say in 35:41 that Earth is stationary? - Quora Sadly, he died in 1930, before the evidence supporting his view came to light. Though the above quite adequately demonstrates a magnificent Quranic prophecy, and at the same time refutes the notion that the spreading mentioned in the Quran visualises a flat-earth system, it is does not in itself provide evidence that the Quranic view of Earth is planetary. Is the Quran Referring to Sea-Floor Spreading? The letter ( ) vaow used here can literally be translated as while instead of and, so the meaning could be, you think the mountains are stationary, while they are moving. If the earth is really a sphere why did not God say it is a ball, or even hint to that, not once. Wiki-Islam claims that the Quran presents the world as flat on account of the following words used in the following verses: Who made the earth a bed [firash] for you, and the heaven a roof, and caused water to come down from the clouds and therewith brought forth fruits for your sustenance. If the Quran had described the earth as stationary and the heavenly bodies as revolving around it, then although the people of that time might have been satisfied with this description, the people of the later ages would have treated that statement as a proof of the ignorance of the Quran's author. Great article! If they had read with care the end of the same verse they would have been left with no room for any misunderstanding. For this, we must turn to a different verse of the Quran. This he termed seafloor spreading. sorry but you are still wrong becausethe quran says the stars are at the lowest heaven Keeping the above mind, there are a number of ways to interpret verses that seemingly indicate the movement of the sun: (a) Looking at it from the perspective of the purpose of the Quran as a book of guidance calling upon creation to reflect, these verses are simply describing celestial bodies as they appear to the onlooker. But the sky itself is stationary. (An-Naml, 27:61) Those people pleaded that the word (fixed abode) denoted that the Earth was stationary. Allahu Akbar, Waseem, may Allah grant you Jannatul Firdaus. Each one runs to a term stated. In Fauz-e-Mubeen Ala Hazrat (Radiallahu Taala Anh) has discussed various scientific spheres of knowledge including Physics, Chemistry, Geology, Astronomy, Astrology, Mathematics, and covered the topics of planetary motion in the orbits and physical mechanics like attractive and repulsive forces, centripetal force, centrifugal force, friction coefficient, projectile motion, relative velocity, circular speed, buoyant force, density & pressure, structure of earth, theory of tides and distance from the sun, along with dozens of geometric diagram representations with algebraic, logarithmic and mathematical calculations. It is the sun that moves around the earth WHILE THE EARTH DOES NOT MOVE AROUND THE SUN. The Holy Quran classified to 30 chapters contain 119 Sura, where each Sura contains many Ayat (verses). komradio lastbil motorola; grs under protest webbkryss. the quoran simply borrowed from babalyion The earth's crust is a solidified shell on which we can live. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. First, the Qur'an DOES NOT SAY that sun revolves around the earth; nor does it say that the earth is stationary, as was claimed by the Church in Galileo's time. the verse youre referring to mentions that the mountains are firm not immobile but the word firm doesnt necessarily mean immobile therefore the point of continental drift still stands. By 2050, Muslims will make up nearly equal shares of Worlds population as of Christians. and that We made from water all living things? Urdu/Hindi: This Quranic verse also prove the earth is in motion not stationary. Yes, the Earth is flat (1 of 2) Next position > The Bible says that the Earth is a stationary object and is flat Many proponents of the flat Earth theory draw from biblical Scripture to back up their argument, which provides a specific interpretation that, to them, confirms their hypothesis. Dharti gol hai News: Forum Policy It is a matter of choice; believe in God and his Quran and his laws, or believe Hollywood, the ruling elites, NASA jokes, and the so called Gravity and Science. After all, the verse begins They ask thee concerning the mountains; nobody asked the Prophet of Islam about physical mountains, but about the hurdles faced by the Muslim community, in the form of great nations, such as the Byzantine and the Persian empires, which were indeed, humbled, crushed and scattered by the Muslims. He overlaps the night over the day and overlaps the day over the night, and enslaved the sun and the moon. Copyright 2021 by Raza-e-Khushtar Foundation. Besides the above verses, there are numerous other verses of the Holy Qur'an that prove that the earth is stationary and the sun is in rotation. Early Muslims however believed this related to the two extreme points on the horizon where the sun rose and set from and to, during the height of Summer and the depth of Winter. It is almost perfectly spherical and consists of hot plasma interwoven with magnetic fields. I will compare two languages English and Urdu/Hindi and translate them as I Urdu/Hindi is my native language and as you can see I have learned English from school. Quran is miracle. earth is stationary quran verse - When you were talking about Sky above us you said it was referring to the layers of our atmosphere. Maybe devils in that verse means devil-like people, maybe there were evil people back then that were scared of shooting stars for some reason, but that is just my theory. Is It Obligatory to Believe That the Earth Is Stationary and That the Sun Orbits Around It. The process of consumption of the Earths crust occurs at ocean ridges. After the fact explanation doesnt work whatever science u trying to explain has been plagiarized from Sanskrit vedas .. thats why its half truth and not clear . pizzeria storgatan 27 borgholm; why does grapefruit taste like soap; nome astratto di vedere God is Benevolent and Merciful towards the people. THE EARTH DOES ROTATE | Quran Miracles earth is stationary quran verse. Simple common sense will do, so they wont be dealt with in any significant depth. Why would the sky fall down onto the earth? This ideology finds its routes in the ancient 'Geocentric Model' attributed to the Greco-Roman astronomer Ptolemy (100-170 AD). A Saudi Arabian cleric has claimed that the Earth does not orbit the sun and is in fact stationary, making the opposite true. This is reflected in the strange choice of words used by the Quran with respect to this spreading process. You do not see any inconsistency in the creation of the Almighty. TheDuaCo. Second, in these and several other verses in the Quran (see below) the orbits of sun and moon are mentioned together and no distinction is made between them. However, gravity is an enemy of the FEM! I think that you should inform yourself some more about the Michaelson and Morley experiment, which was one of the scientific experiments that became famous because it failed completely. seven-layer of the atmosphere is wrong because the Quran says the star is at the lower sky/heaven. They claimed that the spherical Earth conspiracy is run by NASA and the UN (even though it has been known that the earth is round for many centuries, long before these 2 organisations were formed.) This is not what the Quran says at all. The authors of WikiIslam allege that because the Quran uses such terms as bed or cradle and such words as spread out, the Quran is painting a picture for us of a land-mass in which the earth was rolled out like a carpet or a rug for humans to sleep on, like a bed. One interpretation given for this verse by classical exegetes is that the sun and moon actually move in an orbit around the earth. Verse 32 uses wal-jibala and not rawasiyya, when verse 30 talks about the earth being spread out. 3981 miles. If you need whole paragraphs to try to refute something written into the Quran quite plainly in a few words, then you are greatly deceived. [Tafseer Noorul Irfaan], In proving the static nature of the earth, the Holy Quran says, Undoubtedly, Allah upholds the heavens and the earth lest they deviate. [Surah 35, Verse 41], This tells us that neither the earth nor the sky is in motion. Barabr = even. Hai is like is. What will the heavens and the earth establish/maintain by the command of Allah. Please help me out sir Gravity wrecks havoc with the FEM, and so, the Flat Earthers declared the whole concept of gravity to be a hoax! earth is stationary quran verse These are deep trenches in the ocean where the lithosphere of one tectonic plate slides or subducts under another plate, resulting in the recycling of the Earths crust. To understand the significance of this, lets look at the words the Quran uses for the term mountain. Concerning Rasoolullah Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam, Mazaar: Hazrat Moosa (Alaihis Salaam) Palestine, Mazaar: Huzoor Ghaus-e-Azam Shaikh Abdul Qadir Jilani Iraq, Mazaar: Ala Hazrat Imaam Ahmad Raza Khan Qadri India, Mazaar: Hazrat Allamah Ibrahim Khushtar Siddiqui Mauritius, Mazaar: Hazrat Shah Abdul Lateef Qazi Siddiqui South Africa, Mazaar: Hazrat Shaikh Noorul Mubeen South Africa, Mazaar: Hazrat Shaikh Yusuf South Africa,, And made the sun and the moon subservient. To explain them more clearly, one might begin by . [Tafseer Noorul Irfaan], The Glorious Quran further tells us, And He made the sun and moon subservient for you which are constantly moving, and made the day and night subservient for you. [Surah 14, Verse 33], The sun and the moon are constant without any breakage in them, nor do they take any leave for the purpose of resting. Karo = do THUS IS SO FUNNI IM SORRY IM LAUGHING SO HARD, Not just Qran but in Pakistan imams are saying to kids that earth is not jus flat but it is still(not revolving) and sun comes around it makrs day and night Ko is like it or sometimes s like Danias pen. If the mountains that had a stationary aspect did move, it would follow that the earth itself also moved. The vedas have clearly shown all planets and even before NASA figured out how to tell future planet locations and size and distances ;the vedas were accurate then and now being considered discovery by the newer scientists. It describes the construction of a ostrich nest. How Earth rotates according to Islamic Astronomy? | ideoloji - Medium Lo! How is this supposed to be a Sun that never goes below the horizon? It puzzles me that such great minds were unable to come to the conclusion that a 13 or 14 year old child was close to coming to the only reason I can think of for this is that the Muslim Scientists and thinkers of the East were so enamoured with the works of Aristotle which limited their imagintive thinking and were not employing the Holy Quran in their scientific thought processes whereas in the West the Muslim Scientists started breaking vehemently away from Aristotle.. Hello, I think in this verse it uses a figure of speech. earth is stationary quran verse. I know being apologetic and defending a book written by 700AD desert dwellers could be challenging so try again. Does it mean that Earth is flat? The Holy Quran clearly suggests the spheroid shape of the Earth in many verses See The Holy Quran also mentions the movement of sun and planetary objects clearly 36:40 No and heres why. With this in mind, the basic principle is that whenever a literal or outward reading of a verse of the Quran or an authentic saying of the Prophet seems to contradict a decisively established point of fact, then that verse or saying is interpreted in a manner that accords to this established point of fact. The matter of the earth being spread out is made so frequently in the Quran that to the undiscerning eye, it seems bizarre. Quran Verses Art - Etsy Because the Quran describes the heavens as a canopy with many layers or like a building with many floors, apparently that necessitates a flat Earth. The process, he realised, verified the theory of continental drift. Return your sight to it, do you see any flaw? There are. which symbolises matter, were one entity and they were ripped apart (exploded). Cannot refer to sea floor spreading. There are a number of critical points that the above statement demonstrates. STAND in the above verse cannot be literal but metamorphic. O tribes of jinn and humans, if you are able to penetrate through. Login with username, password and session length. As we continue reading, we find the following words: and caused everything to grow therein in proper proportion and and We have made to grow therein every kind of beautiful pair. If you dont know the language then you cant digest its true meaning. hur mnga svenskar har 10 miljoner. and the quoransays stars are at lowest heaven. Indeed, "God moved upon the face of the waters." Genesis 1:2. It is likely that the people may have believed verse 89 of Surah Al-Naml, referred to a future event associated with Doomsday. Unquestionably, He is the Dignified, the Forgiving. Far from it. Regards. From this perspective, references to the earth, sun, stars, the moon, and other celestial objects within the primary sources is primarily for the purpose of drawing the attention of human beings towards the creation of God. That some Muslims of the past believed in a flat Earth is not an argument that carries any weight. It does not rotate on its axis nor does it rotate around the sun. Allah plans every affair and explains clearly the signs so that you may believe the meeting with your Lord. [, And He made the sun and moon and stars subservient to His command. [, And He made the day and the night, the sun and the moon subservient to you. Ibn Hazm and others quoted this verse as evidence. This is because they can see further and thus they see the Sun for 2 minutes longer than those on ground level.