What works best for me is 8 crushed tablets and 2 tbsp. If its based on trying this particular yogurt, thats a completely different situation. To ensure the L reuteri strains stay pure and uncontaminated, we recommend re-inoculation not occur indefinitely. I use the whey, either stirring in some when I pull out a serving of yogurt, or putting some in icecube trays to use as starter later. Hair and skin effects are reported anecdotally. One with the recommended 10 tablets and one with only 3 tablets. When you try the L.reuteri yogurt, the goal is to have only the strains found in the Gastrus tablets. I read about the whey and bacteria on a Making Yougurt at Home website, and it was contained in a readers comment, so there is no real link. Whether Lactobacillus reuteri ATCC PTA 6475 yogurt has specific benefit in unresolved SIBO is not yet clear. 11. From our feedback, this method produces reliable results. The growth curve of L.reut vs. temp, like most probiotic bacteria, is a shape. re: Do you refrigerate it at any point?. Not clear. re: Companies like BioGaia will perform clinical trials to make sure the CFU they are recommending are safe and does not cause any side effects down the line ( say 10 or 15 years later). I get no taste of mint or citrus flavoring in the yogurt when using these pills as a starter. We bought a sous vide unit for precise temperature, ferment for 36 hours, started with gastrus tablets, then used some yogurt from current batch for next batch, use the inulin you recommended and half and half with no other ingredients. re: I assumed that it was due to cross contamination,. Im a bit concerned that we could see a BGY fad explode, resulting in severe shortages of this probiotic (and who knows what response from Biogaia). Pour the milk into a large clean saucepan.2. Dr William Davis' book Super Gut is a detailed explanation of what goes wrong with the gut microbiota and how to fix it. The recipe posted does not include a lot of lore that first time yogurt makers might need. William Davis, MD, FACC is cardiologist and author of the #1 New York Times bestselling Wheat Belly series of books. Yes & no. Had very good experience with second batch using few tablespoons from first batch, inulin, and 3 crushed LR tablets yogurt came out very firm with good taste. We also add prebiotic fibers to the fermenting mix to both ensure greater microbial numbers, as well as thicken the end-result. I use 8 crushed Biogaia Gastrus tablets in the initial batch, and then I use 2 crushed tablets added to 1/2 cup of the previous batch to start subsequent batches. I steeped whole oats in this quart of yogurt overnight to give (me) a resistant starch + I added blueberries when I was plating this for breakfast. Temperatures above 43 C will kill the L. reuteri strains. The non-microbial ingredients in the tablets are irrelevant after the first batch of yogurt. So the coconut recipes in development have lately been adding actual sucrose (table sugar; glucose+fructose). We recommend using a double boiler pot filled with boiling water. And in any event what wider diet & lifestyle was adopted to reduce on-going risk generally? Sound plan. re: I poured the slurry into the rest of the liquid, measured the temp, and it had gone down to about 90, so I put it on the Instant Pot yogurt Boil setting again until the temp raised up to 110.. Im not at all familiar with the details of LYTG, so cant say if it has overlooked any opportunities already incorporated into the Undoctored program. Dr. William or Bill Davis is a cardiologist, a New York Times #1 bestselling author of the Wheat Belly book series and is the Medical Director and founder of the Undoctored program including the Undoctored Inner Circle, where he helps individuals take back control of their gut, health and lifestyle. Pour water slowly into the base. David wrote: Does this mean that you plan on having your yogurt analyzed at some point for species, strains, and CFUs?. Dr. William Davis, DIY Healthcare: How To Get Off Statins 264K views5 years ago The Four Dangers of Stopping a Statin Drug 210K views3 years ago Secrets Hidden in Your Resting Heart Rate 136K. I am chilling the last batch to see if it thickens. Im ingesting a lot more than a tbsp. Because the process of heating made such a vast improvement, we wondered if cream was required at all? If you notice any significant changes to the texture, smell or taste of your yogurt, you should do this sooner. Did you add the tabs whole, or crush them first? It does not appear so, short of ordering isolated Lactobacillus reuteri ATCC PTA 6475 as research material (and I havent researched how that would be done). To ensure the yogurt stays abundant with the L. reuteri strains, and not a breeding ground for other, unwanted bacteria, we recommend starting a fresh mother batch after 4-5 re-inoculations. Ive tried to make this twice using a new yogurt maker. I used molasses as the added substrate. Every week Dr. William Davis meets online LIVE through a video chat to educate, support, and empower you to achieve your health goals, answer questions, share experiences and new lessons. Linda S. wrote: Ive made this with coconut milk (full fat in the can).. Measured temp after 1 boil; it was steaming, but my meat thermometer read only about 140. re: Also my yogurt device is a crockpot express brand and only says low or high for temperature, it doesnt say how many F it uses :(, Run it for a while with just water, and a probe thermometer. Above ideal, it also tapers off, to an irrecoverable cliff which is reportedly 122F (die-off). Had very good luck making my first batch with an Instant Pot Used 2 quarts of grassfed organic milk, a couple of teaspoons of inulin, and about 10 L.R. Neutrophil % low at 32.4 and Lymphocyte% high at 55.6.. I crushed the tablets and combined with inulin, then set aside. Did 4 more boil cycles but temp only raised to about 160 at highest. Thanks for your wonderful help. To Make L. Reuteri Yogurt Excerpted from Dr. William Davis. Dr. Daviss recipe calls for 10 crushed Biogaia tablets in one quart of half and half for his first batch. These tablets have mint and citrus flavoring. Kinda cheesy tasting. If youre familiar with BioGaia Gastrus probiotic tablets, youll know how expensive they are! Check the container Nutrition Facts. Add the probiotic starter - one of the below methods: a) Crush 3 BioGaia Gastrus probiotic tablets into a fine powder using a mortar and pestle, or other hard object on a clean, dry surface. He is Medical Director and . Thanks for your reply. Heres a pic of what a mostly-consumed pot looks like after it has been sitting in the fridge for 4 or 5 days. ________ Blog Associate (click my user name for details). Since Im about to try this, Id like to see whats to be learned here. My mother had the same reaction and so does my daughter. Related questions are: how many generations can be fermented from an initial batch? Its not to sweeten the product, as the sugar is expected to be gone at the conclusion of the fermentation. tablets crushed up. This means that when preparing your next batch, you simply replace the 3 crushed tablets with a third a cup of L. reuteri yogurt. Also wondering if I put a particular strain of bacteria into my gut in a high count could that perhaps have consequences on the other bacteria in my gut since they have a relationship? Ive made 3 subsequent batches; the first subsequent batch I used 2 tbs of the whey to culture, the next I again tried 2 tbs, the last I used 1 tbs. Valid question, but to set expectations, I doubt it. First batch was thin but I consumed it just fine usually a few tablespoons in the morning. Thanks Bob. As the Undoctored experience with both small intestinal bacterial overgrowth, SIBO, and our Lactobacillus reuteri yogurt grow, we are learning new lessons about the interaction between the two.. Recall that SIBO is a peculiar but exceptionally common situation in which unhealthy bacterial species such as E. coli, Shigella, Campylobacter, and Pseudomonas have proliferated, then ascended from . Gather all your. That data has been referenced in other yogurt threads here, and discussed on the subscription forum. ________ Blog Associate (click my user name for details). I bow to your better knowledge. After sitting in the refrigerator, the curds dry out and become a semi-solid mass. The yogurt is thick, delicious, and contains a marked increase in bacterial counts, though I have not yet performed a formal count. ________ Blog Associate (click my user name for details). Hold the milk at this temperature for 20 30 minutes. July 3, 2019 By Dr. William Davis. I have read that resistant starches are where when consumed the oats behave as fiber and not a carbohydrate. Note that we begin by making a slurry to make sure the prebiotic fiber does not clump. At what point do stray environmental microbes spoil the culture? (I didnt save any of it.). So, if one elects to avoid whey, what then to do with that fraction (assuming you get stratification, which some people dont). In the WB/Undoctored program, dairy elimination is one of the top options for addressing a weight loss stall. Aside from one notable incident where I put a towel around my yogurt in the oven and then turned it on and forgot about it (do not do this, folks!) Ive personally been making one or another of the program progurts for years now, and nothing has raised an eyebrow. I used full fat 4% whole fat Chobani Greek yogurt as my starter. Wow! Verified Purchase. I noticed no issues with keeping it that long. I should be clear here that I am a total newbie to yogurt making and even yogurt consumption. The first batch works okay, then the next couple of batches work okay, but then apparently pulling out a 1/2 cup of a batch for the starter doesnt work anymore, and I have to start over. Once rolling, the economies improve a bit, as starter can be saved off (and apparently frozen). Do not submerge equipmentin boilingwater. re: Has anyone on this blog so far experienced the Biogaia Gastrus tablets. I looked at the user manual PDF for that, and cant tell: . In fact, in my Undoctored book, I stated that SIBO was uncommon. This is not a fiber or carb or resistant starch issue; it is an issue of all the harmful substances contained in any grain, oats included. If you have been otherwise doing the Undoctored or 2014+ Wheat Belly program, Im a bit surprised to hear that you didnt have some inulin on hand. Today's wheat is different from the wheat of 1960, thanks to extensive genetic manipulations introduced to increase yield-per-acre. It does not produce lumpy yogurt. Ive found that with full fat cream and 1/2 & 1/2 I have successfully made yogurt. And youre sure that these are live-culture fermented foods? ________ Blog Associate (click for details), Im vegan so no dairy. Most people do it right away, while the batch is still warm. Place the cover lid on top. Dr Daviss original methodspecified 10 probiotic (BioGaia Gastrus) tablets be used to inoculate milk into yogurt. It appears that even a modest portion of saved starter has a massive number of CFUs. How long is it safe to keep the yogurt in the fridge to eat? Set to what temperature? what added carbohydrate (e.g. re: Then put it in the glass cups and put it in my yogurt maker for 8 hrs., That might simply have been too short an incubation time. It is the case that in making this recipe (with a dairy base), the resulting product (in my households experience so far) stratifies into about 50% yogurt and 50% whey (and the whey has the consistency of cream). Dr. William Davis is a cardiologist and New York Times #1 bestselling author of the Wheat Belly book series, Undoctored, and of the new book Super Gut. Yes, I put that pot with the yogurt-to-be mixture (a little over a 1/2 gallon cooled to 110F) in the stove. (And, to be sure, we really dont know what the optimal generational strategies are yet.). It simply didnt make much yogurt. And then, a prompt reaction tends to suggest that youve got a dysbiosis. Thats probably a fine starter for a practice run. Sometimes impossible to find organic cream where I live. I am game but not sure what I am doing wrong. Maura wrote: The original post doesnt mention anything going up to 180 degrees is that step not necessary at all?. I thought Id start there and work my way up :) I think Im going to get the Biogaia Gastrus and try that. As far as OVits not my first choice, but if I buy a gallon I can get the non-UHT. So adding more tabs is a waste of money, and definitely wont fix any instances of contamination by unwanted species. Why arent we seeing any of the benefits? Seems Dr Davis and everyone things getting this probiotic via yogurt is referable. Where just having some L.reuteri around is the key, I would think so. Were any other inflammation, immune or infection markers checked? re: I do eat sauerkraut and pickles with no reactions, love those.. - I started doing that (instead of the lid) because the lid adds almost 2 of height to the pot, creating some clearance issues in my fridge. I have made many batches that turned out great, so I am really disappointed. 9. And because people have done it by mistake, dont use a commercial yogurt as the substrate. re: The Biogaia Gastrus tablets arent exactly given away at $27-$30/ box., True enough, but run the numbers on how many batches can be made from 30 tablets, if using saved-off yogurt as starter. The counts are further increased by performing fermentation in the presence of prebiotic fibers.