Another common variation of this Trial is exposure to pain. How does the Chapter govern its home world? This also goes for having a Chapter aligned with any other xenos species or empire. Sharper eyesight and enhanced low-light vision. Releases photo-chromatic skin pigments to protect against radiation. but that very fact makes them less suitable as a recruitment source for the Adeptus Astartes than many other types. Older variant symbols utilise an upside down delta (triangle) or an explosion symbol instead. The two tables presented below provides some ideas for the various elements of the name should you need some inspiration. Some torments leave the Aspirant scarred for life, though the scars are proudly borne as evidence of his mental strength. To do is not simply a matter of making the best use of the environment, but of surviving the very worst that environment can throw at the Battle-Brothers and even turning it against the foe. To their detractors, it made them more beasts than men. Space Marines, Adepta Sororitas, Adeptus Mechanicus, Imperial Guard, Chaos, Xenos, daemons, planets, ships, weapons, anything related to warhammer40k. Perhaps the single most important consideration in creating your own Chapter is the source of its gene-stock, and how "pure" the Chapter's inheritance is. Eighteen known Space Marine Legions were created from the gene-seed of the 18 known Primarchs engineered by the Emperor of Mankind from His own genetic code in His gene-laboratories in the Imperial Palace on Terra beneath the Himalazian (Himalayan) Mountains. Forge Worlds offers tons of useful units and items that could work great. The Salamanders as a Chapter are unusually concerned with civilian casualties compared to most other Space Marines and believe that one of their most important duties is to protect the lives of the Emperor of Mankind's innocent subjects whenever and wherever possible. The suspect gene-seed of the Traitor Legions was placed under a time-locked stasis seal, although at the time, many believed these dangerous stocks of tainted genetic material had been destroyed. Few planetary militias will stand idly by and watch as Imperial Guard units from off-world conduct pogroms against their kin and burn their homes to the ground. A tiny proportion have been settled, but life there is a daily, even hourly struggle for survival where one false step spells death at the slavering maw of some hideous Death World predator. Settlement is generally limited to coastal regions or higher ground where the vegetation grows less thick. Warhammer 40K: Is GW Secretly Working On A Traitor Guard Army? Every possible resource is mustered in the pursuit of victory, with entire planetary populations turned over to supporting the war effort, no matter the cost. The nature of this Trial varies hugely from Chapter to Chapter and world to world. What caused such worlds to fall so far from glory is often a matter of supreme mystery, and often a cause for concern to the higher echelons of the Imperium's leadership. They have the pride in knowing that theirs is the pinnacle of the Codex Astartes and the legacy of the loyalist legions which served In all of their duties, from battle to study, the Ultramarines are thorough, analytical, and attentive to every detail. As far as the Imperium at large is concerned, these 'bush wars' are insignificant to the larger strategic situation, unless of course they interfere with the rendering of tithes or the raising of new Imperial Guard regiments. If a writer wants to include such an alliance in their Chapter lore, it is advisable to only apply it to a single battle or campaign. 40k Galaxy Map with Homebrew Planets - DeviantArt Some Trials are watched over closely by the servants of the Chapter, who judge the Aspirant every step of the way. Because Feral Worlds are rough, primitive, and untamed, their inhabitants invariably provide excellent recruits. One thing that sets a Chapter apart from another are the individual pieces of equipment that the Chapter prefers to carry into battle. Once the most numerous and powerful of the Space Marine Legions, their numbers would be depleted and primacy ended by decades of savage warfare, particularly in the wars of the Rangdan Xenocides, one of the most apocalyptic campaigns of the Great Crusade. In surviving the Blood Duel, the Battle-Brother was truly gifted by fate, for dozens fell on the bloody field so that he might take his place as a Neophyte. For true aggression and nigh-psychotic killer-instinct, however, few recruits can best the murderous city-scum that roam the darkest pits of the Imperium's many Hive Worlds. Many of the worlds from which Space Marine Chapters recruit are not home to a single, unified society, but rather a host of small tribes constantly at war with one another. The temptation to have a character appearance of an Inquisitor should be resisted at all costs. As a result of this change in organisation, the Space Marines' military purpose changed as well. However, it is not okay to create a Homebrew Chapter of Grey Knights origin, so don't do it! Some marines are more humane than others, but they aren't cuddly and nice. The profound misery of a Primarch. Long-settled planets are riven by pollution, the toxic waste of thousands of years of industry seeping into the very bedrock and raining from the skies in a constant downpour. Standard Codex Astartes-compliant company colours applied to Space Marine Power Armour. In most cases, the Space Marines need to do little more than watch the wars, but in some instances they actively take a hand in fomenting conflict and strife. With each Primarch the Emperor re-discovered during the Great Crusade, He gave command of the Space Marine Legion created from their genetic material back to them. Every Chapter of the Adeptus Astartes uses some form of Trial to ascertain whether Aspirants are worthy of beginning the often-fatal process of becoming fully-fledged Battle-Brothers. Although the Adeptus Astartes are by definition the masters of every aspect of war, many Chapters come to favour one style of combat over others. These Space Marines adhere to the Codex as the model for their organization, identification markings and tactical doctrine. Enhance taste and smell to detect trace toxins, nutrients ect. Warlord known only as The Beast - which laid waste to much of the known galaxy and threatened to destroy Terra itself. This genetic curse usually occurs in three stages: Like many Chapters, the Raven Guard also suffer from certain genetic deficiencies. A Battle-Brother of the White Scars Chapter. The Codex Astartes teaches a balanced approach to war, and so any Chapter sired by the Ultramarines or their line is unlikely to pursue one form of combat doctrine at the expense of others, but there are a thousand Chapters and more, and no two are identical. Through the machinations of the Unforgiven's Inner Circle, its members are eternally vigilant, never resting in the hunt for the Fallen -- those Renegade Space Marines who followed the First Legion's second-in-command, Luther, into damnation when they split off from the Dark Angels Space Marine Legion ten-thousand Terran years ago in the aftermath of the Horus Heresy. The more recent campaigns Armageddon, Eye of Terror are ideal for fanon writers. Some Chapters concentrate their efforts in and around one region, particularly those based near the Eye of Terror. Therefore, it would be impossible to have such a Chapter exist, ten millennia later, in the modern 41st Millennium. The Primarchs were the Emperor's genetically modified sons who commanded and led vast Space Marine Legions all across the galaxy. Such worlds are rarely highly populated, unless hives have been built to house a workforce, and even then, vast tracts of the surface is left untouched and unexplored by all but hardy desert nomads, mutant clans or those who wish to avoid unwanted attention. Some are composed of relatively harmless silica particulates, yet others are the result of the erosion of more exotic materials. Background - Information about the force and its place in the Warhammer 40,000 universe. Releases hormones that massively increase musculature and strength. Many of these Chapters travel the galaxy in vast circuits, taking centuries to pass through a single segmentum, while others limit their movements to ancient, hereditary spheres of influence and areas of responsibility. The Space Marine Apothecaries are capable of rebuilding a crippled body should the Aspirant be deemed worthy of acceptance, so most blood duels are brutal, no holds-barred affairs. 500.M34 and 600.M35. Below are some examples you can use for your Chapter's current status: While the Space Marines stand aloof from the bulk of humanity, the long millennia of war have often brought about unlikely alliances and rivalries. [1a] Those Beastmen who have been introduced into the Imperial cult possess a simple but fierce devotion to the Emperor, regarding him as a vengeful god which demands tribute in the form of the blood of his enemies. For instance, it is not uncommon for a Salamander to serve as a clan leader among the Nocturneans and live with them when Chapter business does not require him to remain at the Chapter's Fortress-Monastery on Nocturne's moon of Prometheus. Throughout all the background we are given, from codices to Black Library books to artwork, there has never been a mention or an image of female marines. Some Chapters, for whatever reason, are actually unaware of who their Progenitor was, and as such are likely to centre their worship on either the Emperor, who created the Primarchs, or on one of their own founding fathers. Few outside the Chapter can even guess at the exact facts surrounding the Chapter's beginning, and those within its ranks guard their secrets well. Adam Harrison. Some Chapters inherit a great deal of the rites and traditions of the culture from which they recruit, while many more are so steeped in their own history and tradition that they are quite unique. They are often blessed of a calm self-assurance in the face of adversity. The Iron Hands Chapter is one of the better-known practitioners of this doctrine, who replace entire limbs with bionic equivalents. This was made possible through the use of the ancient device known as the Sangprimus Portum which contains potent genetic material harvested from all 20 original Primarchs, that allowed for this breakthrough. When the Chapter's genetic curse manifests itself in an affected Battle-Brother, it comes on in three stages: The Blood Ravens do not know the name or the lineage of their Primarch and so far there are few clues in their gene-seed to enlighten them. Each Chapter serves collectively with the others of its kind as part of the Imperium of Man's Adeptus Astartes. Mar 12, 2021 - Explore Christopher McBride's board "Homebrew Chapters" on Pinterest. Sometimes the High Lords of Terra bestow the name at the Chapter's Founding, linking it to some sacred duty the Chapter must perform, as is the case with the Praetors (meaning "guardians") of Orpheus. Jungle Worlds are often perilous environments, where the slightest scratch can result in lethal bacteriological infection and predatory life forms hunt the unwary. All Chapters of the Adeptus Astartes were ordered to release a portion of their Veterans to provide the initial basis for this Founding, the greatest since the First Founding. This is an oft-used, lazy plot device that is commonly used by new writers in one of two ways, either to make a Chapter skip a few centuries, to avoid centuries worth of backstory and campaigns to write about, as well as to explain away why one of their Chapter's companies split from their parent Chapter, to eventually become their own separate Chapter. Aside from the ready source of recruits afforded by the hive-cities, the Chapter has access to a nigh-unending source of munitions, and it is likely that the master of each city is required by ancient law to provide the chapter with a tithe of its industrial output in return for the protection the Chapter's presence affords. The Dark Angels have a similar tradition drawn from the knightly orders of their lost homeworld of Caliban and often require Aspirants to track and kill fearsome beasts mutated by the powers of Chaos. Campaign & Death Guard, Adeptus Mechanicus, War Zone Charadon Act 2: The Book of Fire. Sometimes the flaw is linked to a nigh-catastrophic genetic malfunction, but just as often it is tied to the essential nature of the Progenitors Primarch, the stock from which they recruit or to some other, inexplicable factor. Imperiums worlds by function (as described in the previous entry), each class may feature a wide variety of terrain types, or indeed be dominated by one single type. Two glands, one in neck, one in chest. The main attraction of 40k is the miniatures, but there are also many video games, board games, books, ect. Many simply awaken in an induction-cell, with no knowledge of how they got there or what awaits them. Distant and aloof, they were separated not only by bellicose demeanour, but by an almost impenetrable web of self-generated myth and allegory which guarded well the ancient VI Legion's secrets, not only of who they were but what they had done in the service of the Master of Mankind. Such total war sees millions-strong armies grinding into one another across crater-strewn wastes littered with the blackened bones of previous waves of attackers. These forces might feature large numbers of rhino-borne squads, and sometimes the vehicles will have been modified to afford additional speed or range. When the Chapter's genetic curse manifests itself in an affected Battle-Brother, it comes on in three stages: Since the death of Chapter Master Orlando Furioso at the hands of the Daemon Prince Periclitor, the Howling Griffons have fostered and nurtured a deep and unrelenting hatred of the Word Bearers, and a vow to seek retribution against them and their lord Periclitor no matter the cost. The Adeptus Mechanicus plays an essential role in the process, for its highest echelons are tasked with creating, testing and developing the gene-seed samples that will provide the basis of the new Chapters. Chapter symbols are simple, striking and easily recognisable, and very often related to the Chapter's name. Those who face the impossible without faltering and who survive long past the point they should have perished are recovered by the Chapter's Apothecaries, often having succumbed but not yet died, and revived, having been judged worthy of becoming an Astartes Neophyte. As any squad type can be deployed in this manner such tactics rarely dictate a major change in organisation, though the Chapters forges may focus on creating drop pods over other types of vehicle, and as heavy support vehicles are slower to deploy they will focus on infantry assaults over armoured ones. Such places are steeped in dread and enshrouded by cosmic horror, such that only Space Marines, or those capable of becoming one, can survive there without succumbing to gibbering insanity. 7th Edition was released May 2014. Though no single terrain type defines this class of world, many are swathed in jungles populated by carnivorous plants as dangerous as any predatory beast, where even the air itself is poisonous. Indeed, there have been a number of occasions where the Dark Angels or one of the Unforgiven have withdrawn suddenly and with no explanation from a warzone when confronted by an Inquisitor or Missionary. Despite such incidents, many Dark Angels have served with distinction and honour. Launching his Indomitus Crusade, Guilliman gifted thousands of Primaris Space Marines to help alleviate the losses suffered by several existing Chapters. The Raven Guard's demeanour heavily reflects their combat doctrine. In the more than 10,000 standard years that have passed since the First Founding of the 20 original Space Marine Legions by the Emperor of Mankind, there have been 25 subsequent Foundings of new Chapters of the Adeptus Astartes; with the most recent, the 26th Founding, occurring in the year 738.M41, approximately 250 years before the current year, which in the Warhammer 40K universe, is 999.M41. Statues of their Primarch Roboute Guilliman and their greatest heroes rear high above countless plazas and city gates, and images of their myriad victories glow from stained glass windows in the mightiest basilica imperialis. The paralysing fear that even a man as great as Dorn experienced, for himself and for Mankind, over the Emperor's broken body after the end of His battle with Horus. While the Salamanders have no known Successor Chapters, there a few that are highly suspected (though unacknowledged). Ice-bound Fenris, the home world of the Space Wolves Chapter, is a frozen waste riddled with active volcanoes, and produces some of the hardiest Aspirants in the Imperium. Of course, most wars fought by the Imperium are viewed as a matter of racial survival, so no justification is required. A battle-brother of the noble Blood Angels Chapter. They wear specially painted black Power Armour, and are often led by the few Chapter officers, notably Blood Angels Chaplains, who are still able to communicate orders to the insane troops and who are still obeyed by them, perhaps because Chaplains directly represent the authority of the Emperor. Some Exposure Trials test the Aspirant's fortitude in a specific environment. Not to mention, that in the 32nd Millennium, during the First Battle of the Fang, the Thousand Sons Primarch Magnus the Red destroyed the Space Wolves gene-labs within the Fang, and killed the only Wolf Priest who understood the secrets of the Canis Helix within his Chapter's gene-seed. They often make use of a device called the "Pain Glove", which encases the whole body and stimulates its pain neurons. It is said that only the High Marshal has any idea of the Black Templars' full numbers, but it is rumoured in the Inquisition that they actually number close to 6,000 Space Marines. Therefore, users are not allowed to create Fanon Space Marine Chapters derived from these two expunged Legions. Just because there is a GW chapter that has something, doesn't mean it's a good thing to do for your chapter 'just because'. There is even a Codex: . As to the long term viability of this and other lost Legiones Astartes detachments, it is difficult to say. Most of the Emperor's subjects live on worlds that are dangerous in some manner. This article, How to Create a Homebrew Space Marine Chapter, is part of WH40K Homebrew Wiki's "Guide" articles. After the Horus Heresy and the resultant Second Founding reforms of the Adeptus Astartes, the Space Wolves Legion was divided into two Chapters: the new Space Wolves Chapter, which was not compliant with the dictates of the Codex Astartes and retained the name of its parent Legion, and the second Chapter which took the name of the Wolf Brothers. While the Battle-Brothers of other Chapters may spend the night before battle in solemn meditation, the Space Wolves are more likely to mark the eve of battle in bawdy celebration, raising overflowing jacks of Fenrisian ale to brothers they may be mourning once battle is done. Inevitably, in such an environment large sections of the population fall to destitution and anarchy, and while the forges and manufactoria are ruthlessly managed, vast areas of these cities are often abandoned to misrule and neglect as new ones are built. There are many ways in which a new Chapter might be granted its title. Viable planets are an invaluable asset to the Imperium, and ones with large amounts of natural and desirable resources are ruthlessly exploited. Other planets might have been transformed into wastelands by war, accident, stellar phenomena or deliberate policy. After this incident, the Space Wolves would forever remain the sole inheritors of the legacy of Primarch Leman Russ. Though this is unfortunate, try to ensure that you create something unique and original, as this will avoid problems with being accused of plagiarization. 3rd Edition was released in 1998. They are slow to anger and rarely make a rash decision. . Controls circadian rhythms, ensures peak performance without sleep. It may even be the case that a local expression of the Imperial Cult has been declared heretical, and its adherents must be hunted down and punished. Space Wolves embrace their lot with an uncomplicated enthusiasm, from the headstrong, newly recruited Blood Claw to the grey haired and taciturn Long Fang. When the Chapter's genetic curse manifests itself in an affected battle-brother, it comes on in three stages: The martial traditions of the Storm Warden have been passed down for centuries and form as much a part of their existence as their flesh, blood, or bone. In times of outright war, the Space Marines may take direct control over the world's military, sometimes even despatching its officers to serve as generals amongst the lesser armies. Battlezone codices were rules supplements that dealt with a specialised combat environment, instead of an army. A list of relics, arcane items and weapons for your guys. A lightning strike is an assault carried out with such There would be no need for them to create some sort of 'secret' Chapter, as they would instead, add these additional Space Marines to their already existing Legion. Snipers become the lords of the battlefield, able to strike down enemy leaders, heavy weapons crew and tank commanders foolish enough to expose themselves to their all-seeing scopes. Some things no man wishes to learn about himself. Death worlds are planets so inimitable to life that unless they harboured some essential resource Mankind would have no reason to set foot on them at all. They are unmoved by the challenge of crossing mountains, wading through sucking swamps, plunging into snow storms and many other such environmental hazards. were originally composed of roughly 1,000 line Legionaries, but as the Legions grew, this number began to vary substantially by Legion, and also through the vicissitudes of war and the availability of replacement recruits. Space Marines adhering closely to the Codex Astartes are gifted of a supreme self-confidence, secure in the knowledge that they are exemplars of the very best qualities espoused by the Adeptus Astartes. A Battle-Brother that underwent a Blood Duel Trial before being accepted into the ranks of their Chapters Neophytes have reason to be supremely confident in their ability to accept any challenge and face any foe. A pict-capture of The Rock, the massive, mobile fortress-monastery of the Dark Angels Chapter. As anyone who has ever decided to create their own Chapter knows, the hardest part is coming up with something original, insightful, with excellent characterization and something that hasn't been done already a million times before. With resources focused on key strategic worlds, there is no reason to spare the effort to "civilise" the natives of the numerous Feral worlds. The zygote of the Salamanders Chapter has reacted with the radiation in which their home world is bathed in such a way that their eyes burn a deep red and their skin is almost jet-black, lending them a fearsome appearance yet imparting no specific deficiencies. It is said that the Disciples of Caliban, a Dark Angels Successor, were created following the direct appeal of the Supreme Grand Master of the Dark Angels. This is a site where members of the Warhammer community share their fan-made, homebrew factions with the community. The Codex offers a lot of leeway on many subjects, offering not a single solution to a given problem, but many potential courses of action. The Blood Angels are amongst the longest-living of the Adeptus Astartes, with some of the Chapter's Space Marines having served the Emperor of Mankind for over a thousand standard years. The lightning strike is often precluded by a stealthily inserted scout mission, the Neophytes led by grizzled scout sergeants who themselves the veterans of a hundred missions. The vast majority of Space Marine Chapters are descended from the Ultramarines, and as such adhere to the dictates of the Codex Astartes. Younger worlds where Mankind's dominion is not yet fully established, are often host to all manner of hostile lifeforms, including predatory beasts, carnivorous plants and virulent microbes. Some may field a larger proportion of Devastator squads, balancing these off against a reduced number of Assault Squads. It is a pride, however, that can sometimes blind them to reality and make them arrogant and uncooperative when the battle would dictate they work with lesser warriors. Even a Chapter created using the gene-seed of a Progenitor as pure as the Ultramarines may have developed deficiencies in its genetic inheritance, with some zygotes becoming irreparably unstable over the generations. Subject: Homebrew MLP Codex (updated to v1.5) nicaetinismo. The last remaining relic of Rogal Dorn, his skeletal hand, is displayed in their fortress-monastery on the Phalanx as a reminder of the ultimate dedication their duty and the Emperor require of the Space Marines. In a society where an infant is more or less guaranteed to reach maturity without becoming the prey to some ravening predatory beast or being enslaved by a rival tribe, the survival instinct is comparatively low and unlikely to produce suitable raw material for the Space Marines. The Space Wolves use similar methods, as do many other Chapters. This Trial requires the Aspirant to track down and slay, or sometimes capture, such a predator, turning the tables on those who prey upon his people and proving his worthiness to become an Astartes Neophyte. The categorisation "Civilised World" describes a wide range of societies and technology levels, but in general such worlds will be a functioning part of a larger sector, with trade links to nearby worlds. Codex Supplements have their parent faction noted in brackets. It is said that in the dark days of the Horus Heresy, the mighty Space Marine Legions were able to field entire companies of Predator battle tanks and other vehicles, yet since that time this has not been possible. The Mazynth Breach is the focus of the majority of our games currently, this is a stable-ish route through the Rift. For over ten thousand years, the Adeptus Astartes have fought alongside and against other Space Marines in countless battles. Some Chapters deviate in character as much as organisation and tactics, such as the savage yet gregarious Space Wolves, while others break some fundamental principle of the Codex, such as the Black Templars, whose total numbers are thought to greatly exceed the 1,000 stipulated by Guiliman.
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