The Legend states that during the "Trail of Tears" era, the Cherokee warrior recieved his name by the . Good spots seemed to differ, as some were deep holes with large rocks and others were below riffles. The phone number for the AVR system is (866) 494-1993. GORE As we headed up the Lower Illinois River, that ole' country and western song "Cool, Clear Water" kept spinning in my mind. Almost immediately, Meyer hooked up with a large striper. Projected flow releases from Gaston Dam for today and the next two days are:. Starting March 1, special regulations do not apply. Construction of Tenkiller Dam by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers was. I asked Carroll when the water would be shut off at the dam. Impounded in 1952, Tenkiller is the only controlled impoundment on the Illinois River and can experience prolonged drastic lake level fluctuations. /*--> Vitality Member Zone Not Working, Madera South High School, Articles L