Good way to get all eyes on them . Televisa ESPN Premium, El camino a las competencias internacionales y la lucha por el descenso se pondrn en juego con cuatro compromisos, El representante de Morena ante el INE public una foto con el consejero presidente aos atrs, Morena, era una mascota cariosa y afable, pero fue vctima de una venganza vecinal en el destino playero, Los tentculos del CJNG en Oregn destapados por un agente encubierto, Quines son los miembros del CJNG sealados por EEUU que operan en Puerto Vallarta, Cmo operan las estafas y fraudes del CJNG en Puerto Vallarta y Guadalajara. Theyre originally composed of members that already operated in Jalisco some worked for Nacho Coronel, but the majority come from Milenio, and these are organizations that already had the governments attention.It should be noted that alot of people from Coronel went with Mencho since they where closer to Mencho than they where to Chapo even tho coronel was CDS he shared his plaza with Milenio and worked together, and CJNG had full support from CDS at that that timeEl Aguila who was nachos nephew and in charge of coronels men in cjng fell, CJNG went independent and those men loyal to los coronel didnt like menchos way of working and they formed La Corona but being already enemies of La Resistencia and now CJNG and CDS still supported CJNG to help fight off zetas, la corona fell. murder of former Jalisco State tourism secretary, A Cartel Firefight Just Turned a US-Mexico Border Town Into a War Zone. Antonio Oseguera Cervantes, hermano de 'El Mencho', era el encargado de la compra de armas para el CJNG; fue detenido el 4 de diciembre del 2015 en Tlajomulco de Ziga. Gonzalez - aka El 03 - has created two elite military units, El RR and El Grupo Delta, which are battling for territory in central Mexico with rival cartels. Farfan got the drugs from CJNG members in Michoacn, a western state . Leave it alone altogether, Only if u guys knew who his real dad is lol!! Oh ok. Dont forget to eat your Wheaties when u wake up. There is no greater example of the changing dynamics of the transnational criminal organization (TCO) activity and violence in Mexico than the Jalisco Nueva Generacin Cartel (Jalisco New Generation Cartel [CJNG]). CJNG Overview. Happen to zetas, caballeros templarios (under PAN blessing) and now tecato Mencho time's up. La Sedena confirm que los videos en los que el CJNG presumen su armamento son reales y se trata del "Grupo lite", brazo armado liderado por Juan Carlos Gonzlez, "El 03", y Ricardo Ruiz . Segn la acusacin del gobierno mexicano, El 03 cre dos grupos de lite, El RR y El Grupo Delta, para disputarse el territorio con el Crtel de Santa Rosa de Lima (Guanajuato, Zacatecas, Quertaro), Los Viagras (Michoacn) y La Familia Michoacana. He works for the US, he became an informant since his arrest in Ca back in 92, everything that goes on in mex is being puppeteer by the US of A, all u guys are blind. 02/03/2023 - 09:04 por Israel Campos Montes. 9:43 I believe El Mencho eludes everything to get into your bedroom every night. March 2, 2023. Se llama Ricardo Ruiz Velazco, alias el "Doble R" o el "Tripa" es uno de los lderes con mayor poder en el CJNG, cuyo lder principal es identificado como Nemesio Oseguera Cervantes . Today the US Treasury sanctioned companies involved in timeshare fraud by the CJNG, which is used to generate revenue for the cartel. Mexican authorities have pointed out Ruiz as the top armed commander for the Jalisco Cartel operating in the states of Jalisco, Michoacn, and Colima. 11:46 aguevo! Por El Debate. Tipped off that a police caravan was on its way to grab El Mencho, CJNG hitmen hid along the route in April 2015 and ambushed four police vehicles. El Millonario tiene una dura prueba ante el Granate para intentar subirse a lo ms alto de la tabla de posiciones. "A medida que el CJNG ha consolidado territorio durante la ltima dcada, ha agregado otros delitos a su actividad principal de narcotrfico [] En destinos tursticos como Puerto Vallarta, el CJNG se ha involucrado mucho en el fraude de tiempos compartidos, que a menudo tiene como objetivo a los ciudadanos estadounidenses". OFACs regulations generally prohibit all transactions by U.S. persons or persons within (or transiting) the United States that involve any property or interests in property of designated or otherwise blocked persons. Since June 2000, more than 2,200 entities and individuals have been sanctioned pursuant to the Kingpin Act for their role in international narcotics trafficking. The Mexican Marines are the only mostly loyal force that Mexico has. Jueves 02 de marzo de 2023.-. Cartel members fired hundreds of rounds and hurled grenades and jugs of gasoline. It is another victory for Jalisco New Generation Cartel in it's war with Santa Rosa de Lima Cartel. I never know the slang so I just go with the literal after researching and finding nothing. 006 got bitch slapped by Menchos daughter. "Elite Group" reappeared, threatening Jos Antonio Ypez, " El Por: La Jornada . arrested in July 2018. video and claim to be Pura Gente del Sr. Mencho. We know so little about CJNG compared to the Sinaloa Cartel, cjNg has existed for around 5 years. CJNG is a violent Mexico-based organization that traffics a significant proportion of the illicit fentanyl and other deadly drugs that enter the United States. Adems del trasiego de drogas, su actividad se concentra en el huachicol. The U.S. Department of States Narcotics Rewards Program has issued a reward of up to $10 million for information leading to the arrest and/or conviction of Nemesio Ruben Oseguera Cervantes. "Elite Group" shoot into the air while shouting the name of their shoutouts to menchito the call of duty playerthats cute. They are dependent on American trade and their loans because the govt officials steal all the other money the govt has in it's coffers. Washington, Estados Unidos / 02.03.2023 15:34:00. . been involved in various violent acts, including the murder of three municipal Tell me why we smashed some so called zetas in prison (texas department of corrections) they ain't shit without their guns so stfu man Scottish zeta never gets old, unlike 006 on the other hand. And here we are 30 years Later and still with cartels and gangs in the USA. El Azul, 'The Blue' - is behind the vicious murder of Mayor Jesus Tinajero. He was raised in SF. Group" currently operates in the states of. and/or " Tripa", is the leader of the cell in Michoacn, this is according Bravo.La Camarilla. they dedicated themselves to "cleaning the plaza and killing members of El Crtel Jalisco Nueva Generacin (CJNG) estableci modelos de negocios ilegales como una fuente de ingresos que usa en . He has to hide like a rat, cant even step in his hometown (Michoacan).He's nothing without PRIs blessing. Other individuals could face up to 10 years in prison and fines pursuant to Title 18 of the United States Code for criminal violations of the Kingpin Act. (a.k.a. OR one of them wanted the attention and made fake corridos while the other prefers to stay in the shadows , CJNG been around for years and Valencias for decades Im sure theres stories of Nacho Wanting to break away from CDS with los Valencias go make something bigger then CDS and this is the aftermath chapo snitched got Nancho killed and CJNG broke away from CDS, CJNG is not a "cartel" they're just criminal/gang cells under a franchise brand like zetas did before to expand so quickly.S, 5 years ? Itll blow your mind lol. I wrote a comment similar to this like 8 months ago. 9:38 ok fair enough but some one else will let them have all of zacatecas to, and after that some one else will let them enter durango and after that someone will let them have all durango , Funny how Mr DURANGO is so PROUD of SINALOA running DURANGO PLAZA DURANGO are SINALOA crash dummies. "El 03": posible sucesor de "El Mencho" "El 03" tendra tanto poder y confianza en el CJNG que sera el posible sucesor de "El Mencho". What????????? Likewise, criminal cells associated with the Sinaloa Cartel have clashed with the CJNG in Zacatecas. Domestic Cannabis Suppression / Eradication Program, Red Ribbon Toolkit - Resources For Your Community, DEA National Prescription Drug Take Back Day, Intelligence Research Specialist Job Announcements, Schedule A Hiring Authority: Intelligence Research Specialist, Privacy Impact Assessment and Management Information Systems, Victim Witness Assistance Program Resources. "El 03 creci criminalmente al amparo del lder principal del CJNG. En ese momento, se volvieron comunes los vdeos de personas cercenadas por . No way in hell,dont be fooled by a couple of geezers in uniform.Mex gob could obliterate them,and they know where they and mencho are.Do we really think Marina just happened to come across Lazcano. LETS see how it turns OUT , That's HOW CALDERON started hunting DOWN la familia MICHOACANA, he DIDN'T totally dismantle it but stopped THEM FROM reaching THEIR peak.. Informacin, novedades y ltima hora sobre Crtel Jalisco Nueva Generacin. It's a myth they can read license plates. All Rights Reserved. This follows many actions we have taken against CJNG actors in Puerto Vallarta who have abused the local tourism industry. Even Osama bin laden couldnt hide from the CIA, The CIA are the scum of the earth along with these guys,quit being a cheerleader. El extorsionador le exigi . attorney general Ral Snchez Jimnez, who detailed that they confessed that According to local media reports from Michoacn, a man identified as "El 3" or "JPL" is the commander of the criminal organization that leads the battle for the Michoacan plaza. Cinco de las ocho empresas se encuentran en Puerto Vallarta y al menos una de ellas ha entregado pagos a . Juan Carlos Gonzlez estara disputndose el mximo puesto de la organizacin con Jos Luis Mendoza Crdenas, alias La Garra,responsable de los manejos del CJNG en Estados Unidos. Por medio de las redes sociales circula un video en el que se muestra la forma en que . El total de compaas sancionadas se definen como empresas de servicios financieros o inmobiliarias con sede en Jalisco, un bastin estratgico del CJNG para el narcotrfico y otras actividades ilcitas por las que la OFAC ha tomado medidas contra personas vinculadas a clubes nocturnos, bares y restaurantes, segn el Tesoro. Marro". Not to mention that the Mexican air force also operates 20 UH-60 Blackhawks, which are outfitted with miniguns.The Mexican government also has tons more armored vehicles with mounted .50 cals. El CJNG y sus territorios en Mxico. . "El 3" indicated as one of the main collaborators of El "Mencho", some media reports that the relationship they maintain is of a Godfather and Godson, but others mention that it could be an unrecognized son of Oseguera Cervantes. They are a little old but they can ef some sheeat up. (CNN Espaol) -- Las autoridades policiales de Mxico capturaron a Christian "N", "El Zorro",y a Aldrin Miguel Jarqun Jarqun, "El Chaparrito", presuntos lderes del Crtel Jalisco Nueva Generacin (CJNG), confirmaron fuentes del gobierno este lunes a CNN. 03-03-2023. Cds has been getting their ass kicked ever since mencho ene against that cartel. Desde analistas de logstica hasta ingenieros, Hiplito Mora, exlder de autodefensas, denuncia ataque en su contra; hay 2 heridos, "Los sistemas inteligentes pueden propagar estupidez artificial", advierte experto, Huesera, filme que navega en el gnero de horror, para hablar de la maternidad, La prdida amorosa es una de las ms radicales que todos conocemos: Pablo Azcar, Samovar es la historia de vida de mi abuela y mi obra ms ntima: Ethel Krauze, La historia sera otra si hubiramos puesto la maternidad al centro: Tania Tagle, La Cabeza de Joaqun Murrieta, una serie basada en el "Robin Hood" mexicano, "Cualquier cosa se puede conseguir": Zaber celebra firma con disquera holandesa, La atmsfera futurista de Astronoma Interior llegar a Vive Latino y Pa'l Norte, En Edomex persiste la "dinosaurica" cultura poltica del Grupo Atlacomulco: Barranco, "Salvajes", cancin con la que LEZ honra la memoria de su vocalista Carlos Baltazar, "Necesitamos voces diversas": scar Jaenada y Maya Zapata presentan Horario estelar, Es una suerte haber disfrutado de un amor a lo largo de 30 aos: Luis Garca Montero, Santiago Nieto critica que jueces federales decidan en funcin de su sesgo poltico, Canad: Rescatan a 64 trabajadores mexicanos que eran explotados por red traficante, Cocaine Bear: Pablo Escobar y la real historia criminal del oso cocainmano, Cocaine Bear eclipsa a "Ant-Man", pero no lo quita de la cima de la taquilla, HBO pone fecha al regreso de La Casa del Dragn; se estrenar en el 2024, Avatar 2 supera a Titanic en las 10 pelculas ms taquilleras de la historia, Que Viva Mxico!, de Luis Estrada, comparte triler lleno de stira poltica, Pinocho, de Guillermo del Toro, triunfa con el BAFTA a Mejor Pelcula Animada, Nuevo avance del remake de La Sirenita con la rsula de Melissa McCarthy, Todd Phillips comparte la primera foto de la secuela del Joker con Lady Gaga, AppleTV+ revela la fecha de estreno de la tercera temporada de Ted Lasso, Bridgerton 3 estrena avance con la reina Carlota como la protagonista, Magic Mikes Last Dance gana 8.2 mdd en primer fin de semana; domina taquilla, Argentina 1985, de Ricardo Darn, gana el Goya a Mejor Pelcula Iberoamericana. It was reported on at least all major/mainstream news networks in the US. El 03 creci criminalmente al amparo del lder principal del CJNG. Televisa ESPN Premium, El camino a las competencias internacionales y la lucha por el descenso se pondrn en juego con cuatro compromisos, El representante de Morena ante el INE public una foto con el consejero presidente aos atrs, Morena, era una mascota cariosa y afable, pero fue vctima de una venganza vecinal en el destino playero, Los tentculos del CJNG en Oregn destapados por un agente encubierto, Quines son los miembros del CJNG sealados por EEUU que operan en Puerto Vallarta, Cmo operan las estafas y fraudes del CJNG en Puerto Vallarta y Guadalajara. Los medios locales, que repasan los acontecimientos criminales en la entidad tapata, aseguran que Juan Carlos Gonzlez fue el encargado del ataque al ex fiscal de Jalisco, Luis Carlos Njera, el 22 de mayo de 2018en la ciudad Guadalajara, quien slo result herido en una mano, y el asesinato de los miembros de la Agencia de Investigacin Criminal de la Subprocuradura Especializada en Investigacin de Delincuencia Organizada (Seido), Alfonso Hernndez Villavicencio y Octavio Martnez Quiroz; y del director de Seguridad Pblica de Zamora (Michoacn), Daniel Torres Hernndez. poor fella was just used by the other idiots y ay estan de lambe huevos ustedes .. el chanito es de Sinaloa no? Que chingados hay en Sinaloa que le interese al CJNG? violence. I wonder HOW a CARTEL that is in their peak such AS cjng will react to the GOV GOING sticky for them instead of their enemy CDS.. WILL be interesting to SEE. They have more intel on them. Carteles de la droga mexicanos se infiltran en crceles de Ecuador, controladas por el crimen. Meantime I'm in culiacan like a lechero.. Blah, Blah, Blah. "El 03 creci criminalmente al amparo del lder principal del CJNG. July 11, 2022, 8:47am. Marro". I have sent to the troopa del inferno and the cdn by fed ex a case of the finest Scottish whiskey hand crafted in the highlands by me personally to boost the morale of the cdn and troopa del inferno to give some courage to our troops for this upcoming battle of the ages cdn vs cjng i intend to raise a glass with you el senor huevo Trevino ATTE SCOTTISH ZETA. There is a reason Durango is as calm as it is. Revealed on his El Crtel de Jalisco Nueva Generacin (CJNG) es un grupo delictivo mexicano dedicado al narcotrfico y trfico de armas.La organizacin fue creada en 2007 como un brazo armado, bajo el nombre de Los Mata Zetas.El grupo se independiz en 2010 y se dio a conocer a partir de septiembre de 2011, siendo liderado por Nemesio Oseguera Cervantes El Mencho. On August 5, 2019, the Do you not remember that CJNG is the only cartel to give the army and sedena a run for their money how many black hawks did they shoot down with rpgs? When they started out as the mata zetas, There is intel on the main ones from cjng they just dont know who is who, once they get names then they find the info because these arent guys that are new to drug trafficking, they been around for so long just under different organization. . OFAC designated Abouzaid El Bayeh for his high-level role in facilitating drug shipments and money laundering for the Cartel de Jalisco Nueva Generacion (CJNG), a violent Mexican drug trafficking organization that is responsible for trafficking a significant proportion of the fentanyl and other deadly drugs that enter the United States. Its pathetic to read y'all comments and el pirata only talked shit when he was drunk and coked up. One of its leaders at the time I can't believe people actually larp on BB, but I understand they're just trying to make light of terrifying and demoralizing situations. Los hombres de Nemesio Oseguera Cervantes El Mencho tenan el objetivo, segn ha explicado el secretario de la Defensa Nacional, Luis Cresencio Sandoval, de amedrentar a sus rivales en Guanajuato, principalmente al Crtel de Santa Rosa de Lima, liderado por Jos Antonio Ypez Ortiz, alias El Marro, el da de su cumpleaos. Making fun of Mencho was his death sentence; La Cholita, El Pirata de Culiacn and Cholo Flechas thus mocked the leader of the CJNG "I already realized that you are with the CJNG": La Vaca, the narco who broke with Mencho, threatens Mexican authorities ; Videos: "War is coming", the CJNG threatens hitmen who betrayed Mencho
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