Military Law. This publication provides the basic information necessary to understand Army . An effective exfiltration plan is essential for mission accomplishment and morale. The rear vehicles provide overwatch and command and control (Figure 3-4). Because breaking contact is a violation of reconnaissance fundamentals, the platoon leader must be sure that his higher headquarters is informed of and approves this COA (Figure 3-14). Simultaneously, the lead element returns fire, sends a contact report, employs smoke grenades, and moves to the nearest hide position. Two-section platoon wedge formation. Therefore, the platoon must make maximum use of the terrain and employ effective observation techniques to avoid exposing itself to a well-concealed and camouflaged enemy. The additional graphic control measures may include routes of march, coordination points, passage points, and boundaries for subordinate units. The lead element moves continuously along covered and concealed routes that afford the best available protection from possible enemy observation and direct fire. The platoon must be prepared to execute actions on contact under any of the following conditions: Whether the platoon remains undetected or is identified by enemy forces, it must first take actions to protect itself, find out what it is up against, and decide on a COA. Based on task organization, the reconnaissance platoon leader must carefully assess METT-TC factors before deciding upon this COA. 8 forms of contact dinocave. To avoid the enemy's strength, elements use stealth and move through gaps or around enemy positions to conduct operations to the enemy's rear and out of contact with the enemy. Read the following sentence, and decide whether it contains a double negative. (c) Elements not in contact temporarily halt in covered and or concealed positions, monitor the incoming reports, and plot the situation on their maps. In most cases, planning for an exfiltration operation begins at the same time as planning for the infiltration (or other tactical operation) that precedes it. The lead vehicle and the overwatch element occupy positions that allow them to observe the destroyed vehicle. If the open area is very large, the overwatch element should only remain stationary until the bounding element has moved a distance equal to half the effective range of the overwatching element's weapon system. Under normal conditions in flat, open terrain on a clear night, rotary-wing aircraft lose most of their audio signature at a distance of about 5 kilometers. Some formations work well in certain types of terrain or tactical situations but are less effective in others. (b) The element in contact sends a contact report to the platoon leader (refer to the discussion of report procedures and formats earlier in this chapter) and follows as soon as possible with a spot report using the format of size, activity, location, unit identification, time, and equipment (SALUTE ). The trail element moves at variable speeds, providing continuous overwatch. Once far-side security is established, a dismounted element moves to the destroyed vehicle and conducts a thorough search for prisoners, items of intelligence value, and any other information that can be gained from a close examination of the enemy. They look for any other signs of enemy activity or any enemy response to the destruction of the vehicle. The amount of intelligence information available to the reconnaissance platoon leader during the planning process determines the risk involved in conducting the infiltration. Once the platoon determines the nature of the enemy it faces, the platoon leader updates the spot report. In another instance, the platoon may deploy in a stay-behind mode during defensive operations, requiring it to plan and execute movement to return to friendly controlled areas. When the platoon conducts dismounted movement, the factors of METT-TC determine the formation of the dismounted element. What are the top 10 most used form of communication What communication devices are the most popular nowadays TASMUS, Tactical Area Communications System is a network centric communication infrastructure that enables obtaining a common picture of the battlefield in near-real time and sharing data among battlefield systems in near-real time. (4) The platoon may encounter small clearings, buildings, or hills while moving through a wooded area. Maintain contact to support a hasty attack. Recon the OBJ 3. Upon completing its movement (bound), the lead element then occupies a similar position and provides overwatch as the trail element bounds forward to its next overwatch position. Conversely, these areas often expose the platoon to possible enemy observation and fire for long periods of movement. Due to the volume and complexity of review, Engineering and Land Surveying applications typically take at least 12 weeks to process after all documentation has been submitted. This COA is appropriate when an enemy force, based on its current disposition, is not in a position to influence the platoon's higher commander. Actions on Contact. (2) Terrain Factors. For example, reconnaissance forces that have infiltrated or bypassed the enemy-occupied area may need to exfiltrate as soon as they gather the required information. Contact with an unknown or superior force. astrosage virgo daily horoscope. Soldiers infiltrate by multiple lanes when two or more infiltration lanes are found through the enemy defense (Figure 3-20). Delays may result when groups must avoid enemy contact. (d) Execute the COA. (2) Wedge Formation. The platoon must conduct these halts at regular intervals (approximately every kilometer) while moving through the wooded area. It searches for antitank (AT) ditches, minefields, wire, or other obstacles that could force friendly forces into a fire sack. (b) If detected by the enemy, the section or team uses a combination of mounted and dismounted reconnaissance. Visual contact (the platoon is undetected by the enemy force). As an example, a two-vehicle section may use bounding overwatch (Figure 3-12). While attempting to develop the situation, the section or team may find that it cannot determine the exact enemy situation for a number of possible reasons to include obstacles, combat losses, suppressive fires by the enemy, or the size and extent of the enemy position. Deploy and report 2. The OPORD must clearly state whether the element will continue the mission or return to friendly lines if detected by the enemy. One section or team acts as overwatch for the displacing section or team as it moves. The platoon may infiltrate by sections, by teams, or as a complete platoon. Each section leader and VC should have, as a minimum, the locations of every element in the platoon on his C3 subsystem. Choose COA It stops inside the wood line, ensuring it is still within the shadow line of the woods. Navigation during limited visibility conditions is easier for the digitized platoon with the introduction of POSNAV and limited visibility equipment. Just another site. At a minimum, the platoon must rehearse and be ready to execute these potential COAs: e. The Four Steps of Actions on Contact. To properly execute actions on contact, the platoon must take action consistent with the fundamentals of reconnaissance (refer to Chapter 4 of this manual for a detailed discussion): c. The Seven Forms of Contact. I tend to look at the different types of platforms on a scale (Figure 1). A good technique is to plot the waypoints to coincide with other graphic control measures such as checkpoints and rally points or significant terrain features. What are basic infantry tactics? These plans should address various contingencies for movement, such as the possibility that the platoon may be able to exfiltrate intact or in smaller groups to avoid detection. The move-set technique of movement is simply an organized way of controlling the reconnaissance section when it moves in bounding overwatch. These aids also provide directional information for movement and target acquisition, and they augment operational planning graphics such as checkpoints, boundaries, coordination points, and phase lines. Coordination must include CSS activities, integration of communications, fires, passage lanes, C2, and battle handover. S\underline{\color{#c34632}{S}}S Rufino hasnt missed any football games this year. The overwatch vehicle engages the source of enemy fire by calling for indirect fire support, then monitors to ensure the contact report is sent. If time and terrain permit, he may send dismounted platoon members to move to the far side of the open area and secure it. Prior to any mission, the reconnaissance platoon leader must receive a detailed IPB of the area of operations from the battalion S2. What are the four rehearsal types? If he decides additional assets are required, the platoon leader then orders other sections or teams not in contact to move to specific locations and assist in developing the situation. The lead vehicle then bounds past the destroyed vehicle and establishes far-side security. On signal, the overwatch vehicle moves forward to a position abreast of the lead vehicle (second move) and halts. Leaders may detach small security elements from the main body to provide early warning by acting as an advance guard or as guides along a route. 1. Extraction by air or RV (ground) is favored when the resources are available and their use will not compromise the mission. To locate unobserved routes through enemy positions. If you need more space to answer the questions, attach another sheet of paper. The purpose of tactical movement is to move units on the battlefield either to initiate contact with the enemy or to reach a destination when contact with the enemy along the way is possible.. The platoon establishes a hasty defense if it cannot bypass the enemy, all the sections or teams are fixed or suppressed, and the platoon no longer has the ability to maneuver. Visibility within wooded areas is very limited; therefore, reconnaissance is confined primarily to trafficable routes and trails through the forest. Chapter 4 of this manual discusses dismounted movement techniques in detail. Urban areas are ideal for effective ambush by small numbers of infantry. His other sections continue their reconnaissance mission. d. Regardless of which technique is used, the reconnaissance section leader gives the section an order explaining what each element will do. Movement is continuous, and interval and dispersion are maintained between sections as terrain and weather permit. (last updated February 8, 2012). The steps that make up actions on contact must be thoroughly trained and rehearsed so that the platoon can react instinctively, as a team, whenever it encounters enemy forces. The reconnaissance platoon and its elements may need to exfiltrate during any tactical operation or situation. In densely wooded areas, mounted elements are extremely vulnerable to dismounted enemy forces that can close on them undetected. An element (normally a section or team) maintains contact while the rest of the reconnaissance platoon continues the reconnaissance mission. The platoon can also use indirect fires to degrade the enemy's acquisition and observation capabilities by forcing him to seek cover. Figure 3-15. The eight forms of enemy contact are visual; direct; indirect; non-hostile; obstacles; aircraft; chemical, biological, radiological, and nuclear (CBRN); and electronic (sometimes referenced as "DINOCAVE" within the intelligence community). a. Navigation. To achieve a positional advantage to conduct reconnaissance and surveillance. This is especially important when the platoon is moving through an enemy security area where enemy forces are likely to move in response to friendly activity or when the platoon expects to encounter a moving enemy force. Visual contact (friendly elements may or may not be observed by the enemy). The platoon leader plans signals to direct movement to the alternate rally point. The contingency plan must allow time for groups to reach the new (alternate) rally point. The battalion mortars can also provide effective and responsive support when elements must break contact. If necessary, the platoon can use a series of contact points, coordination points, or both, to enhance security during movement through the area. The platoon leader should consider all available COAs, including those outlined in the following discussion. They use the POSNAV capabilities of the C3 subsystem as an enhancement to tactical navigation and not as a replacement. Designating a line of departure (LD) to use as a handoff line to the attacking unit. The software should not limit the platoon leader's planning and use of control measures and operational graphics. This allows the platoon leader to evaluate and develop the situation while out of contact. If the element makes visual contact but is not detected, it should continue the mission. The lead element and the overwatch element see the signature of the enemy weapon system. The platoon must conduct detailed coordination with any adjacent units or friendly elements through which it will pass to ensure these elements do not compromise the reconnaissance platoon as it conducts the infiltration.
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