Age:Viking 10-13th centuries CE mtDNA:H3a1a, Sample:VK27 / Faroe_10 Age:Viking 10th century CE Age:Viking 10th century CE mtDNA:K1a4a1, Sample:VK407 / Sweden_Skara 274 Location:Varnhem, Skara, Sweden Location:Brondsager_Torsiinre, Sealand, Denmark Age:Viking 9-11th centuries CE Age:Viking 900-1050 CE Location:Oland, Sweden For example, Doug McDonald maintains a map of the distribution of haplogroups at mtDNA:H52, Sample:VK516 / Norway_Sor-Trondelag 4481 Y-DNA:R-M269 Haplogroup I2a1b (M423) I2a1b (M423, L178) was known as I1b until 2007, and I2a2 from 2008 to 2010. Location:Cedynia, Poland Age:Viking 880-1000 CE Y-DNA:I-Y98280 Age:Viking 10th century CE New path FT13004>FT12648 The mtDNA haplogroup came back as T2b, which is common in England, Iceland, and . Y-DNA:R-S6752 Age:Viking 10th century CE Age:Early Viking 8th century CE mtDNA:I1a1e, Sample:VK173 / UK_Oxford_#17 Sample:VK50 / Gotland_Kopparsvik-53.64 mtDNA:T1a1b, Sample:VK316 / Denmark_Hessum sk II The whole genome sequence includes the Y chromosome along with mitochondrial DNA, although it requires special processing to separate it usefully. Location:Hundstrup_Mose, Sealand, Denmark Location:Salme, Saaremaa, Estonia mtDNA:H1b5, Sample:VK466 / Russia_Gnezdovo 77-222 The alternative SNP names are provided as shown on the ISOGG Y-SNP tree . mtDNA:I2, Sample:VK545 / Ireland_SSG12 mtDNA:H2a2a1, Sample:VK335 / Oland_1068 mtDNA:I2, Sample:VK260 / UK_Dorset-3735 mtDNA:U5a1b3a, Sample:VK338 / Denmark_Bogovej Grav BV mtDNA:H6a1b3, ____________________________________________________________. Age:Viking 10-12th centuries CE mtDNA:H6a1a, Sample:VK149 / UK_Oxford_#13 Age:Viking 11th century CE Y-DNA:N-L1026 Location:St_Johns_College_Oxford, Oxford, England, UK Age:Viking 11th century Y-DNA:R-P310 Location:St_Johns_College_Oxford, Oxford, England, UK The influence of Viking-Age migrants to the British Isles is obvious in archaeological and place-names evidence, but their demographic impact has been unclear. Thats not at all what we thought we knew. His mtDNA haplogroup is K1a9. Origins and history of Haplogroup T (mtDNA) . Location:Hessum, Funen, Denmark Age:Early Viking Late Germanic Iron Age/early Viking Age:Early Viking 8th century CE Age:Viking 858 68 CE Location:Hofstadir, Iceland Sample:VK329 / Denmark_Ribe 8 Forms a new branch down of I-A1472 (Z140). Y-DNA:I-Y36105 We also identified three potential susceptibility loci, including G13708A/rs28359178, which has demonstrated an inverse association with familial breast cancer risk. There are 20 major different Y chromosome haplogroups. Y-DNA: R-YP390 Y-DNA:R-Z8 Origins. Then the high-born lady saw them play the wounding game, Location:Ribe, Jutland, Denmark Just hours later, Science Daily published the article, Worlds largest DNA sequencing of Viking skeletons reveals they werent all Scandinavian. Science magazine published Viking was a job description, not a matter of heredity, massive ancient DNA study shows. National Geographic wrote here, and CNN here. Location:Nordland, Nor_North, Norway mtDNA:J1b1b1, Sample:VK218 / Russia_Ladoga_5680-4 Forms a new branch down of I-S26361 (Z2041). Ancient sample STR_486 also belongs in this group, at I-Y130747 Age:Iron Age 200-400 CE FTDNA Comment:Shares 1 SNP with a man from Romania. The following is a list of the Y chromosome DNA haplogroup and mtDNA haplogroup nicknames used by BritainsDNA, ScotlandsDNA, IrelandsDNA, CymruDNAWales and YorkshiresDNA. Age:Viking 10th century CE Location:Gnezdovo, Russia Age:Medieval 11-13th centuries CE Below, youll find the information from Y DNA results in the paper, reprocessed and analyzed, with FamilyTreeDNA verified SNP names, along with the mitochondrial DNA haplogroup of each Viking male. Location:Frojel, Gotland, Sweden New ancient path = I-Y6908>I-FT273257>I-FT347811 FTDNA Comment:Possible E-Y4972 (Shares 1 G>A mutation with a E-Y4972* sample) New path = J-BY62479>J-BY72550 FTDNA Comment:Splits R-BY16590 (L47). FTDNA Comment:Joins ancient Estonian samples V9 and X14 Shares 2 C>T mutations with a Y15161* kit Phylogenetic tree of human mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) haplogroups. mtDNA:H2a2a1, Sample:VK320 / Denmark_Bogovej Grav S Y-DNA:I-Y7232 New branch R-BY166438 The Danish Viking . Age:Viking 10-13th centuries CE Y-DNA:R-CTS5533 Age:Viking 9-11th centuries CE mtDNA:T2b6a, Sample:VK220 / Russia_Ladoga_5680-11 Age:Viking 900-1050 CE Y-DNA:E-CTS5856 mtDNA:J1c3e1, Sample:VK147 / UK_Oxford_#11 Y-DNA:I-FGC8677 mtDNA:U5b1c2b, Sample:VK31 / Sweden_Skara 194 Location:Salme, Saaremaa, Estonia 2020 Nov 2. doi: 10.1038/s41431-020-00747-z. Location:Stengade_I, Langeland, Denmark Age:Viking 10-12th centuries CE mtDNA:H4a1a1a1a1, Sample:VK204 / Orkney_Newark for Brothwell Location:Salme, Saaremaa, Estonia FTDNA Comment:VK484 and VK486 both split R-FT103482 (Z283). Y-DNA:E-Y4971 Location:Oland, Sweden The Danish Viking King Sweyn Forkbeard conquered what is modern day England in 1013. Age:Early Viking 8th century CE Y-DNA:R-CTS8746 Location:Frojel, Gotland, Sweden Age:Viking 10-11th centuries CE Y-DNA:R-L448 Y-DNA:R-FT381000 Location:Oland, Sweden mtDNA:J1b1a1, Sample:VK388 / Norway_Nordland 253 Y-DNA:R-YP4345 Y-DNA:R-YP390 There are also more detailed mtDNA tests available for those who wish to close the gap towards the modern period (equivalent to the BigY result). In Britain, haplogroup I1-M253 et al is often used as a marker for "invaders," Viking or Anglo-Saxon. Location:Nordland, Nor_North, Norway FTDNA Comment:Joins 2 other ancients on this rare branch. The two sites sampled in Britain lie outside the Danelaw (Dorset and Oxford) and have been interpreted as 'execution cemeteries' containing the remains of Viking raiding parties. [1] It is also distributed among the Soqotri (1.2%). mtDNA:H16, Sample:VK498 / Estonia_Salme_II-Z Location:Varnhem, Skara, Sweden Location:San_Lorenzo, Foggia, Italy Location:Ribe, Jutland, Denmark FTDNA Comment:Splits R-Z27210 (U106). mtDNA:U5b1b1a, Sample:VK133 / Denmark_Galgedil KO Forms a new branch down of I-BY55382 (L22). Age:Early modern 16-17th centuries CE VK151 has no coverage for 2 of these mutations Location:029a, Eastern Settlement, Greenland Derived for 2 SNPs total. Age:Viking 10-12th centuries CE Sample:VK144 / UK_Oxford_#8 Location:Varnhem, Skara, Sweden If your haplogroup isnt showing, you could be downstream of the Viking haplogroup, so youll need to use the Y DNA Block Tree (for Big Y testers) or. Y-DNA:I-Y3713 Y-DNA:R-M269 Forms a branch down of R-BY166065 (L1066). Location:Bogvej, Langeland, Denmark mtDNA: J1b1a1a, I match Y-DNA sample VK174 / UK_Oxford_#18 Haplogroup: R-FGC17429, We are a group of 23 Reid males, ancestors from Scotland under R-FGC17427. Y-DNA:I-M253 mtDNA:H-C16291T, Sample:VK539 / Ukraine_Shestovitsa-8870-97 The clade is also found everywhere in Central Asia and deep into North Asia, as far east as Mongolia. FTDNA Comment:Shares 1 SNP with a man from the Netherlands. [3][4] It is also common among modern day Iranians. Goran Runfeldt, a member of the Million Mito team and head of research at FamilyTreeDNA began downloading DNA sequences immediately, and Michael Sager began analyzing Y DNA, hoping to add or split Y DNA tree branches. Haplogroup T is composed of two main branches T1 and T2. Location:Frojel, Gotland, Sweden Location:Galgedil, Funen, Denmark mtDNA:H1-C16239T, Sample:VK175 / UK_Oxford_#19 The T group itself is older, also about 29,000 years. Age:Viking 900-1050 CE Age:Early Viking 8th century CE Furthermore, the specific subtype T1 tends to be found further east and is common in Central Asian and modern Turkic populations (Lalueza-Fox 2004), who inhabit much of the same territory as the ancient Saka, Sarmatian, Andronovo, and other putative Iranian peoples of the 2nd and 1st millennia BC. Age:Viking 10th century CE The clade is also found everywhere in Central Asia and deep into North Asia, as far east as Mongolia. Certain medical studies had shown mitochondrial Haplogroup T to be associated with reduced sperm motility in males, although these results have been challenged (Mishmar 2002) harv error: no target: CITEREFMishmar2002 (help). mtDNA:H15a1, Sample:VK308 / Sweden_Skara 101 mtDNA:V, Sample:VK541 / Ukraine_Lutsk Shares one C>T mutation with a BY195155* sample Goran has also included the mtDNA haplogroup as identified in the paper. You can email the site owner to let them know you were blocked. mtDNA:H10-x, Sample:VK117 / Norway_Trondheim_SK328 Y-DNA:I-Y4051 Y-DNA:R-BY32357 mtDNA:HV-T16311C! Y-DNA:L-L595 Y-DNA:R-CTS4179 Y-DNA:R-FT31867 Haplogroup T is a human mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) haplogroup. This article is about the human mtDNA Haplogroup T. For the unrelated human Y-Chromosome Haplogroup T-M184, see, harv error: no target: CITEREFBermisheva2002 (, harv error: no target: CITEREFKivisild_and_Metspalu2003 (, harv error: no target: CITEREFvan_Oven2008 (, harv error: no target: CITEREFSanger2007 (, harvnb error: no target: CITEREFChinnery2007 (, harvnb error: no target: CITEREFGonzlez2012 (, harv error: no target: CITEREFMishmar2002 (, harv error: no target: CITEREFRuiz-Pesini2000 (, harv error: no target: CITEREFIvanov1996 (, human mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) haplogroups, "Genetic Heterogeneity in Algerian Human Populations", "Out of Arabiathe settlement of island Soqotra as revealed by mitochondrial and Y chromosome genetic diversity", "Mitochondrial DNA Signals of Late Glacial Recolonization of Europe from Near Eastern Refugia",, "Direct evidence for positive selection of skin, hair, and eye pigmentation in Europeans during the last 5,000 y", "Ancient Egyptian mummy genomes suggest an increase of Sub-Saharan African ancestry in post-Roman periods", "Genomic Analyses of Pre-European Conquest Human Remains from the Canary Islands Reveal Close Affinity to Modern North Africans", "Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy - Medical Encyclopedia", "mtDNA Haplogroup T Phylogeny Based on Full Mitochondrial Sequences", "Mitochondrial DNA structure in the Arabian Peninsula", "The population history of the Croatian linguistic minority of Molise (southern Italy): A maternal view", "Sephardic signature in haplogroup T mitochondrial DNA", "Counting the founders: The matrilineal genetic ancestry of the Jewish Diaspora", "A "Copernican" Reassessment of the Human Mitochondrial DNA Tree from its Root", "Mitochondrial DNA haplogroups and type 2 diabetes: A study of 897 cases and 1010 controls", "Mystery Solved: The Identification of the Two Missing Romanov Children Using DNA Analysis", "Phylogeographic analysis of mitochondrial DNA in northern Asian populations", "MtDNA polymorphisms in five French groups: Importance of regional sampling", "The Arabian Cradle: Mitochondrial Relicts of the First Steps along the Southern Route out of Africa", "Lineage-specific selection in human mtDNA: Lack of polymorphisms in a segment of MTND5 gene in haplogroup J", "Disruptive mitochondrial DNA mutations in complex I subunits are markers of oncocytic phenotype in thyroid tumors", "Whole-mtDNA Genome Sequence Analysis of Ancient African Lineages", "Genetics, Environment, and Diabetes-Related End-Stage Renal Disease in the Canary Islands", "Genetic Patterns of Y-chromosome and Mitochondrial DNA Variation, with Implications to the Peopling of the Sudan", "mtDNA and the Islands of the North Atlantic: Estimating the Proportions of Norse and Gaelic Ancestry", "Genetic Diversity among Ancient Nordic Populations", "Mitochondrial DNA sequence heteroplasmy in the Grand Duke of Russia Georgij Romanov establishes the authenticity of the remains of Tsar Nicholas II", "Ethiopian mitochondrial DNA heritage: Tracking gene flow across and around the gate of tears", "African Y chromosome and mtDNA divergence provides insight into the history of click languages", "MtDNA analysis of Nile River Valley populations: A genetic corridor or a barrier to migration? 1, sk 3 Y-DNA:I-FGC21682 Age:Viking 900-1050 CE Forms a new branch down of I-A5952 (Z140). Location:Bodzia, Poland Y-DNA:R-BY16590 Location:Rantzausminde, Funen, Denmark FTDNA Comment:Both VK449 and VK259 share 3 SNPs with a man from Sweden. It is almost non-existent outside of Europe, suggesting that it arose in Europe. Y-DNA:I-BY67827 Age:Viking 10th century CE Age:Viking 900-1050 CE Location:Kopparsvik, Gotland, Sweden Users in this group may want to share their family trees with each other to find overlaps and merge duplicate profiles in order to join or expand the World Family Tree and discover new . New branch = I-FT118954 Age:Viking 6-10th centuries CE Location:Varnhem, Skara, Sweden Forms a new branch down of N-FGC14542. Just hours later, Science Daily published the article, "World's largest DNA sequencing of Viking skeletons reveals they weren't all Scandinavian." Science magazine published "'Viking' was a job description, not Haplogroup R1b (M269, U106, P312) Especially interesting is the finding of R1b-L151 widely distributed in the historical Nordic Bronze Age region, which is in line with the estimated TMRCA for R1b-P312 subclades found in Scandinavia, despite the known bottleneck among Germanic peoples under U106. Location:Kopparsvik, Gotland, Sweden Age:Viking 10-12th centuries CE mtDNA:H1a, Sample:VK483 / Estonia_Salme_II-V Within subhaplogroup T2e, a very rare motif is identified among Sephardic Jews of Turkey and Bulgaria and suspected conversos from the New World (Bedford 2012). Age:Viking 9-11th centuries CE mtDNA:H1a1, Sample:VK150 / UK_Oxford_#14 Age:Viking 6-10th centuries CE mtDNA:J1c2t, Sample:VK397 / Sweden_Skara 237 mtDNA:U5a1a, Sample:VK75 / Greenland late-0929 Y-DNA:R-BY27605 Performance & security by Cloudflare. Y-DNA:R-FT7019 Y-DNA:R-YP593 Link to the locations to see the locations of the excavation sites, and the haplogroups for the tree locations. mtDNA:H1e2a, Sample:VK352 / Oland_1012 9-21-2020 updates with 240 analyzed only 60 to go! (2014) tested mtDNA samples from the Yamna culture, the presumed homeland of Proto-Indo-European speakers. Age:Viking 10th century CE mtDNA:I4a, Sample:VK280 / Denmark_Galgedil UO 558 Location:Hringsdalur, Iceland Derived for 2, ancestral for 7. Sample:VK510 / Estonia_Salme_I-7 mtDNA:H1s, Sample:VK582 / SBM1028 ALKEN ENGE 2013, X2244 Age:Medieval 12-13th centuries CE Age:Early Viking 700 CE Location:Newark_Deerness, Orkney, Scotland, UK New branch = I-FT273387 mtDNA:J1c2, Sample:VK507 / Estonia_Salme_I-4 Location:Buckquoy_Birsay, Orkney, Scotland, UK mtDNA:H1a, Sample:VK373 / Denmark_Galgedil BER New study reignites debate over Viking settlements in England. Location:Gnezdovo, Russia New branch = R-FT108043 Location:Varnhem, Skara, Sweden Location:Varnhem, Skara, Sweden Location:Oland, Sweden Y-DNA:R-M198 Age:Viking 6-10th centuries CE mtDNA:H10, Sample:VK177 / UK_Oxford_#21 Age:Viking 9-11th centuries CE Michael Sager is making comments as he reviews each sample. Location:Hessum, Funen, Denmark Location:Kragehave Odetofter, Sealand, Denmark FTDNA Comment:Shares 4 SNPs with a man from England. mtDNA:K2b1a1, Sample:VK515 / Norway_Nordland 4512 Age:Viking 10-12th centuries CE Location:Bogvej, Langeland, Denmark New path = N-BY29005>N-BY21933 Y-DNA:I-FT4725 Y-DNA:R-M269 mtDNA:H, Sample:VK279 / Denmark_Galgedil AXE Conclusion The present work provides further evidence that retrieval of ancient human DNA is a possible task provided adequate precautions are taken and well . I dont see the intersecting SNP yet, between the tester and the ancient sample, so if I click on I-Y2592, I can view the rest of the upstream branches of haplogroup I. Y-DNA:I-Y2592 Location:Salme, Saaremaa, Estonia On average, 4% of the population shares your maternal haplogroup. FTDNA Comment:Shares 1 SNP with a man from England. One Viking boat burial in an Estonian Viking cemetery shows that 4 Viking brothers died and were buried together, ostensibly perishing in the same battle, on the same day. Location:St_Johns_College_Oxford, Oxford, England, UK In human population genetics, mitochondrial (mtDNA) haplogroups define the major lineages of direct maternal (female) lines back to a shared common ancestor in Africa.In human genetics, Haplogroup T is a predominately Eurasian lineage.. New branch = R-FT22694 Age:Viking 9-10th centuries CE Y-DNA:R-YP4963 mtDNA:H54, Sample:VK87 / Denmark_Hesselbjerg Grav 41b, sk PC Y-DNA:I-BY73576 mtDNA:H3a1, Sample:VK248 / Faroe_22 Location:Salme, Saaremaa, Estonia New branch = R-BY167052 New path = I-FGC15543>I-FGC15561 Location:Hesselbjerg, Jutland, Denmark Age:Early Viking 8th century CE mtDNA:H7b, Sample:VK463 / Gotland_Frojel-019A89 The two of them have very different distributions, which are diametrically opposed in most regions. Sample:VK160 / Russia_Kurevanikka_7283-3 Y-DNA:R-PH3519 Posted on January 7, 2018. Age:Viking 880-1000 CE mtDNA:H6a1a, Sample:VK418 / Norway_Nordland 1502 Daily Updates Here! One study has shown Haplogroup T to be associated with increased risk for coronary artery disease (Sanger 2007) harv error: no target: CITEREFSanger2007 (help). mtDNA:J1c9, Sample:VK127 / Iceland_HDR08 mtDNA:H7, Sample:VK531 / Norway_Troms 5001A Location:Salme, Saaremaa, Estonia Hervor dying after the Battle of the Goths and Huns. Y-DNA:R-BY25698 mtDNA:H2a2b1, Sample:VK513 / Greenland F8 [2], Haplogroup T is present at low frequencies throughout Western and Central Asia and Europe, with varying degrees of prevalence and certainly might have been present in other groups from the surrounding areas. mtDNA:H1b1-T16362C, Sample:VK399 / Sweden_Skara 276 mtDNA:K1b2a3, Sample:VK336 / Oland_1075 New path = R-FT148796>R-FT148754 He is known for his roll in creating the TV show Seinfeld. Age:Early Norse 10-12th centuries CE FTDNA Comment:Splits I-BY61100 (Z2041). Age:Viking 10th century CE Location:Ladoga, Russia Y-DNA:R-BY33037 Location:St_Johns_College_Oxford, Oxford, England, UK Location:Salme, Saaremaa, Estonia Location:Ljungbacka, Malmo, Sweden Location:Oland, Sweden Location:Kopparsvik, Gotland, Sweden Y-DNA:N-Y5005 Y-DNA:R-L21 Forms a new branch down of R-FT20255 (Z18). mtDNA:K1c2, Sample:VK95 / Iceland_127 [9] Fossils excavated at the Late Neolithic site of Kelif el Boroud in Morocco, which have been dated to around 3,000 BCE, have also been observed to carry the T2 subclade.
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